This collection includes theses and dissertations as well as some capstone projects and Master’s projects. The Digital Institutional Repository contains most RIT theses; however, not all past works have been digitized. If you are seeking a specific thesis and do not see it here, please contact the RIT Archives Collections.
All theses and dissertations from 2010 to the present are also available to Rochester Institute of Technology faculty, students and staff from ProQuest.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Colleges and Departments page.
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Perception of graininess in complex photographic images through objective and subjective comparison, Glenn E. McNeill
Radiation heat transfer analysis of a Czochralski furnace with a radiation shield, Frederick A. Merz
Anagenesis: Rebirth of a School into a Residential Facility, Susan Michel
The dream: Artists within universities, James A. Mirabito
The effects of agitation in positive photoresist image quality when using a bubble development system, Keith D. Mogerley
The right mood, Mary Pat O'Brien
A Performance evaluation of rounded and backed books vs. square backed books, David Harlan Parisi
Process, color, form, space and motion, Susan Pineo
An application of multi-dimensional scaling to the re-examination of preferred tone reproduction, David J. Porter
Development of syntax-directed editor for Pascal, Chintana Promphan
A literature review on radioactive interactions with real molecular gases in laminar and turbulent flow in circular pipes, Robert P. Quinn
The Design and Construction of a Hand Lithography Press, Inexpensive to Make and Easily Transportable, Susan Raab
Rehabilitation financing, Charles Rattigan
It's in my hands now, Jennifer B. Reed
The Effect of microscope scale reticle design on variance of measurement, David D. Rockafellow
Chasing Daguerrean eidothaumata, Grant Romer
Design Sketch to Presentation: The Computers' Role, James III W. Ross
Hammocks: a new vision, Laura Rowell
Dream images, John Nasif Samaha
Borinquen, Reynaldo I. Santiago Morales
An implementation of four of Ledgard's mini-languages, Piyanai Saowarattitada
An investigation of the effects of fabric and stencil on resolution and registration in the screen printed circuit board, Jeffrey Paul Sauser
CAST: A System for color animation and scene transformation, Frederick Schebor
The computer and the secondary school English curriculum, Marjorie Schmieder
Art Nouveau and Art Deco: Their Decorative Influences, Lorna Secrest
Derivation of the transformation relationship of pseudo-invariant features of two landsat images, Jeffrey R. Sefl
Evaluation of the photographic characteristics of emulsions with different iodide percentages, Joseph M. Sharp
Magenta nights, Thomas Shillea
Today's Woman on Canvas, Rebecca R. Sizer
A decision theory approach to tone reproduction, Kevin E. Spaulding
Micro-circuit reticle fabrication: an investigation of a silver halide emulsion as a portable conformable mask, Patrick St. Cin
Investigation of resolution loss in contact exposure of transparent electrophotographic films, Thomas Charles Sutter
Electroplating and electroforming as an Artists' Medium, R Lisa Toser
Constructing a life, Teresa Vaitkus
Natural shelters, habitable landscapes, Joseph Vitone
Synthetic studies in substituted phenols, involving electrophilic side-chain and ring substitutions, Bussakorn Warote
The preaching of non-sentient beings, Charles Chaim Wax
A Software Prototype for the IBM Series/1 Remote Intelligent Printers, Thomas Weber
The Complexity of simplicity, Jette Whitely
Parsing natural language, Leonard E. Wilcox
The adventures of Rose and Jody, Chapter 17: Jody does her thesis, Jody Williams
Design of a high ratio gear reduction unit, Jean Xydias
An Artificial Intelligence Approach to the Game of Backgammon, Chang-Chung Yang
Distributed computation in computer networks, Ching-Liang You
Taking My Father's Pictures, Carl Raphael Yusavitz
The Effect of Developer Composition on Adjacency Effects in Black and White Photography: Metol vsl Phenidone, Paul L. Zengerle
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
RASA: A Sense of Meditation, Ismail B. Abdullah
Polymerization of Disubstituted Conjugated Dienes: Synthesis of 1, 3-Diphenyl-1, 3-Butadiene, David Allen
Reactions of nitrogen dioxide with chloride and bromide salts, Thomas Allston
A Sense of Rasta, Omobowale Ayorinde
The ability of surfactants to assist in the removal of image scum in positive resist development, Michael P. Belden
On the Use of Cognitive Principles and the Personalized System of Instruction in Computer Science Education, James Bradley
Constructs, Pamela Jean Burg
Evaluation of the image quality of an experimental lenticular film system for radiographic applications, Elizabeth A. Butler
"Letters", Rose Butler
Accretion: Idea, Expression, and Humanism., Mary Campbell
Factors Influencing Flexographic Tone Reproduction Including Types of Printing Plate Materials Used, Bruce Capriotti
An Investigation of the effect of an infrared post-exposure latent image in a 3M dry silver film, Thomas J. Cardinali
3 Films, David Carnochan
The stability of reciprocity law failure in color print papers, Victoria L. Carriero
Sensitization of an oxadiazole derivative as an organic photoconductor, Claude G. Ceintrey
Theoretical determination of optimum split-filter exposures for color-correction masks, Jang-fun Chen
Everywhere is somewhere, Ann-Bridget Clarke
Prediction of Small-Scale Densities Using the Chemical and Optical Spread Functions, David S. Cline
Effect of stabilizers on gold sensitization, Douglas E. Corbin
Microprocessor-based in-process infrared densitometer, Steven Cox
Investigation of the electronic and thermal rearrangement properties of SPIRO[2,4]HEPTA-4,6-DIENES, Raymond K. Crandall
Mathematical modeling of black-and-white chromogenic image stability, Charles Datema
The Influence of Merleau-Ponty, James Davis
Derivation of the Optimum Film Contrast Gradient in Photographic Tone-Reproduction Systems, William R. Dowling
The Implementation of a Network Oriented Database Management System Designed to Run Under the Unix Operating System, Mary Dvonch
Abstract forms in nature, Lauren C. Engel
Correlation of development acceleration by decyltrimethylammonium bromide with the ionization states of hydroquinone and of chlorohydroquinone, Robert W. Eskes
Prediction of cut-off frequency from the maximum slope of a transmittance scan of an ideal edge, Dale E. Ewbank
The atmospheric photochemical stability of CC1F2NO, CC12FNO, CC1FNO2, and CC12FNO2, George Fazekas
Dyad: biography of a relationship, John Fergus-Jean
Correlation of silver halide emulsion bar-coater vacuum chamber pressure fluctuations with flow pattern occurrence, Paul Fitzpatrick
Weaving and architectural structure, Sonja Flavin
An exploration in weaving and painting, Christine Forsythe
Palette and Palate, James Fulmer Jr
An active filter design program (theory and application), Louis Gabello
SMA80 Structured Macro Assembler, Joseph R. Garappolo
The Graphic Arts Industry in Mexico - Training and Educational Aspects, Orbe Garcia
Wearable Art, Elizabeth Garver
Connected Narratives, Judith Geiger
Development of a quantitative spectrophotometric assay for lectins, Kim E. Goppert
Photographs and monoprints, Richard Gray
Fluted and faceted porcelain, Barbara Greever
Advantages and practical limitations of mathematical continuity in cam profile design, Edward Gunzelmann
Persistence of Perception, Gary Hadlock Jr
A collection of differences, Susan Hamlet
Paper coating constituents and their influence on chemical ghosting, Craig Harmsen
The printing industry in sub-Sahara Africa: An exploratory study, H. Richard Harmsen
Proposal and Investigation of a Method for Measuring Process Color Variation via Reflection Densitometer, Russell Harris
Investigation of a Method to Increase the Sensitivity of Counter-Current Immunoelectrophoresis Using Direct-Contact Photography, James E. Hohenberger
Direct diffusion resist for gravure, Wilson Hurst
The Decorative Imperative, Harriet Jaffie
The design and production of graininess samples using an ordered array binary imaging system, Paul W. Jones
Development of a Software Package to Generate Screen Maintenance Programs for Use on Qantel Computers, Jane Keller
Through the Looking Glass, R. Kohloff