This collection includes theses and dissertations as well as some capstone projects and Master’s projects. The Digital Institutional Repository contains most RIT theses; however, not all past works have been digitized. If you are seeking a specific thesis and do not see it here, please contact the RIT Archives Collections.
All theses and dissertations from 2010 to the present are also available to Rochester Institute of Technology faculty, students and staff from ProQuest.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Colleges and Departments page.
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Design, tuning and performance evaluation of an automated pulmonary nodule detection system, William Lampeter
Densitometrically measured effective dot area as a function of ink hue, Jeffrey Latzko
Generation of software to produce a Landsat scene comprised only of pseudo invariant features, Martha C. Leahy
Romance, Deborah Ray Leith
Wreckedangular Vision, Joseph Lesko
Image quality as a function of unsharp masking band center, Chia-Chin Liu
Aurora Borealis, Carol Luzon
Optimization of positive resist/developer pairs for semiconductor fabrication, John G. Maltabes
Eikoh Hosoe: Photographs 1960-1980, Constance McCabe
Private Pictures in Public Places., Margaret McGarrity
The manifestation of personal philosophies concerning material and form, Mark Methner
Moving beyond the vessel, William N. Mickle
The Removal of Low Concentrations of Heavy Metals from Photographic Processing Effluents Using a Modified Crovex Silver Recovery Metallic Replacement System, John W. Miller Jr
A comparison of the perception of juxtaposed tones in newspaper images when screened with conventional and random dot screens, Sylvia Monteiro
Waiting for the Sun, Terrance Murray
An Investigation and Implementation of Recommendation X.25 on a Motorola M6800 Based Network, Louis Nyerges
The Hosoe Project, Susan Poulakis
A software translator for color projection printing, Richard J. Quattrini
Visual Softness in Ceramics, Sheldon L. Rexrode
A family document, Ronald Richardson
Thesis, George Ring
Patterned Rugs, Kristin C. Rowley
A ruin aesthetic, John Hutchins Ruppert
Photographs of Alexa, Elizabeth Scott
Towards a simplification in painting, Monica Smith
The Aura of Femininity in Art, Linda Smolenski
Alphabet soup, Beth April Smolev
The effect of ink/fountain solution emulsion of paper permanence, Thomas H. Spotts
An Investigation into the Effects of Dry Etching Techniques on Changing Halftone Dot-Sizes, Anthony P. Stanton
Dancing on a wall, Jane Alden Stevens
Nicaragua: a society in transition, James Mason Stillings
Satellite channel sharing and its implications for computer networks, David Storch
Analysis of Ink Film Thickness on Screenless Lithographic Plates by Microscopy, James Spruill Summers
Optical Sculptures, Alexander Syndikas
Haloid Camera xerography, Ronald Ruhl Talbott
A Fool's paradise, Gary Todak
A Survey of Twelve Factors Influencing Covering Power, Jeffrey Wagner
The Hypoxia Screen as an Indicator of Alterations in the Number of Centeral Cholinergic Recpetors Inuduced by Chronic Acetylcholinestrerase Inhibition, Kathleen B. Wallace
Means of Lowering the Contrast of Association Product Printing Plates, Ming-Hwa Wang
The effects of mechanical stress on photographic emulsions, Dennis A. Weiss
Digitization, testing, and evaluation of a device for rapid determination of rms granularity, Daniel J. Williams
Bedouin textiles of Saudi Arabia, Celia Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
The use of the spline function in computer-aided type design, Kathleen Barry Albertini
Research into lead glass, S. Leon Applebaum
Correlation between maximum density and log exposure range of quality prints, David Baer
Direct transfer positive preparation by the use of the Hell chromagraph dc-300 color scanner, Steven Berg
An Investigation of the vapor cushion thickness, temperature, and vaporization time of Leidenfrost drops, Frank Bonsignore
Generative systems & the sense of vision, James Bouchard
Heightened realities, elevated views, Marilyn Christine Bridges
Small area densitometry utilizing fiber optics, Eric D. Bruening
First light, Dennis Burns
The effect of band-passed spatial noise on the perception of grain, Wallace Carpenter
Felt Vessels, Sherry L. Clark
Stamping and embossing: a modern adaptation of Pre-Columbian metalworking processes, Richard Coble
Tubular solar collector analysis and comparison with flat plate collectors in SDHW applications, Kevin A. Cole
Draw-a-map: An Interactive graphical system using a relational data base, Ethel Comte
Thermovacuum forming plastics for artistic endeavors, Rose E. Corcoran
The Halftone effect in color photographic enlargements, Rick Crowsey
Investigation into the mechanism of development to increase exposure latitude without loss of threshold speed, Susan A. Egnoto
The evaluation of positive photoresist speed, Donis Flagello
A visual synthesis, Mark Foster
Selected influences in painting, Barbara Fox
The Bausch & Lomb industrial design department identity program, Lorrie Frear
Music Education Posters, Edith L. Freedman
The Effect of camera motion on MTF and SQF for handheld camera at two weights, John Griffith
Qualities of uncoated groundwood paper affecting adhesive binding strength, Kenneth S. Gross
High temperature oxidation of sterling silver, Jon A. Hall
A comparison of the random dot and the conventional halftone printing process with respect to color characteristics, Sanat Hazra
The Graphic Design Career Kit, Sharon M. Heyenck
An investigation of a mathematical model to characterize the nonlinear nature of a lithographic film system, David S. Holbrook
The biological and mathematical basis of L systems, Christine Kelly-Sacks
Three dimensional resonant vibrations and stresses in turbine blade groups, Patrick J. Kline
Predicting color print filtration and exposure, James A. Klingshirn
Depth of field in high magnification fine grain photography, Mark Konieczny
Image restoration by selective short space spectral subtraction, Rose M. Korte
The effect of temperature and relative humidity during drying on the covering power of processed x-ray films, John M. Lauffer
The comparison of densitometric measurement with gravimetric measurement of wet-on-wet ink trapping, Kongsak Lawphongpanich
The microdensitometry of image boundaries fabricated by the Color-Difference Blue-Screen Traveling Matte Process, Michael F. Lehman
Digital image modeling of film granularity and effect on subjective pictorial quality, Jerold B. Lisson
Sam's Chance and other essays about art, Mary Lum
Scene illuminate effect on additive two-color reproduction, John C. Manfredo
Analysis on the Use of Viewing Filters to Determine Necessary Color Change in the Graphic Arts Industry, John W. McFarlan
Campobello Island: far from the mainstream, Stephen O. Muskie
Optical noise reduction using partial coherence in spatial filtering for image detail enhancement, Steven Lynn Musser
Ceramic art: a vehicle for cultural awareness, Michael Olusola Olugbile
Cryptography and its application to operating system security, Michelle Painchaud
Image degradation in a diffusion transfer process, Peter Petch
Edward Steichen and World War II naval photography, Christopher Phillips
Coherent optical linewidth measurement of thick films on integrated circuit wafers, Andrew Pomerene
Small scale monumental sculpture, Henry Ponter
Image enhancement in a microfilm projection printer utilizing partial coherence and spatial filtering, Donald Pophal
Edge sharpness effects on computer-generated holograms, Clinton S. Potter
Contemporary furniture and the pursuit of comfort, Joseph G. Prutch
Gravity controlled pAg double-jet precipitations, Adam Pudnos
Major Trends in Operating Systems Development, Margaret M. Reek