This collection includes theses and dissertations as well as some capstone projects and Master’s projects. The Digital Institutional Repository contains most RIT theses; however, not all past works have been digitized. If you are seeking a specific thesis and do not see it here, please contact the RIT Archives Collections.
All theses and dissertations from 2010 to the present are also available to Rochester Institute of Technology faculty, students and staff from ProQuest.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Colleges and Departments page.
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
An Investigation of the Fog Problem in Autoradiographic Intensification Method, Lawrence Wheaton
An investigation on the applicability of multi-microprocessing in the two dimensional digital filtering problem, Timothy J. Whitcher
The limiting effect of the human visual system on image processing, Timothy J. Wilson
Color as a stimulus for design in metalsmithing, Stephen Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
The Editorial Decision in Photography, Lyn Adams
Concur: a High-Level Language for Concurrent Programming, Karen Anderson
The Development of Liturgical Metal Craft, William Barba
Evaluation of Turbine Blade Root Damping, Curtis Beck
Visual Movement Produced by Bobbin Lace Techniques, Marian Beil
Photography, Painting, and the Spirit World, Laura Bench
An Investigation of the Emotional Connotations of Printing Types, Michael Blum
The Role of Reliability in the Publisher/Supplier Relationship in Textbook Production, Steven Brenner
A Synchronous Data Compression System, Joseph Calcagno
The Modification of Simple Images by Fourier Transform Manipulation, Noel Chavez
Theories and experiments for determination of nonsteady loads on turbomachine blades, James F. Crofoot
Composite Illusionism, Barry Dalgleish
Crown Ether Complexes of Lanthanide Elements and Their Applications as Lanthanide Shift Reagents, Dale DeCann
Readability Determination Using Superimposed Random Noise Patterns, Michael Dennison
A Personal Exploration, Laurie Dill
Estimation of bore loads in quenching of rings by an expanding segmented die, Harry Dodd
On the Analysis of the Timoshenko Beam Theory With and Without Internal Damping, Chinubhai Doshi
Ambrotype Images, Thomas Feldvebel
Existential Man and the Creative Act, Lisa Finkel
Color me raku, Penelope Fleming
A spiritual song: a portfolio of multi-process prints, Donald John Forsythe
The Essence of Reality, Michael Geglia
Computer-aided graphic design, Donald Harbison
Control of a four-color lithographic press by monitoring the hue consistency of the reproduction with a densitometer, Chikashi Hashimoto
Decoration and Form, Holly Jones
Registration and Energies, Patricia Kinsey
Glass, Joseph Kivlin
Comparison of Bromide, Benzotriazole, and Phenyl Mercaptotetrazole and Their Effect on Photographic Development, James Kretchmer
Determination of the chemical spread function of Kodak High Contrast Copy 5069 Emulsion, J.N.A. Laitre
The Utica Club Show, Frank Leto
Design Considerations in Linear Microdensitometry, Thomas Lianza
May I have your attention please?, Priscilla Malone
The effects of polyethylene oxide on DMAAC's "B" type developer, Harold McCullough
Noise reduction by multiple image printing, William McDonnell
An electronic switching system: a computer model for traffic study, Richard McInnes
Design and Evaluation of a Stepped Diaphragm Intensity Scale Graphic Arts Sensitometer, Patrick Meehan
Found Television Images, Janice Hope Meyers
A software development system for the Motorola M6800, John Michael Moore
Lotte Jacobi: A Composite Portrait, Peter Moriarty
Modulation transfer function of image motion due to operator vibration, Venkatraman Nagaswami
Architectural Phantasm & Assorted Sundries, Jim Ninos
A Study of the Mechanism of the Sabattier Effect, Steven Oshry
A low frequency sine wave camera, Russell Palum
Image Quality Dependence on Partial Coherence in a Projection Printer, Bruce Radl
The AL Compiler, Kenneth Reek
Oil-Fired Pottery, Peter Regan
Paper Matrix, Janet Ruby
Minimization of Unwanted X-Ray Exposures on Conventional Photographic Films by Developer Modification, Michael L. Rudolph
Energy in Clay Forms, Aviva Schneider
... As a Dynamic Result of Gesture, Charles Slatkin
Electric field enhancement of efficiency in autoradiographic exposures, Harvey Smith
Eight hundred pounds of sand, two ping pong tables and..., Malcolm Spaull
Stereoscopic Analysis of Fatigue Products of Photochromic Triarylemethane Leucocyanide Dyes, Thomas Stanzione
Modifications of a Herrnfeld Sensitometer for Interimage Studies, Charles Tobin
The Effect of Photographic Reducers in Autoradiographic Intensification Method for Image Recovery of Incorrectly Exposed Radiographs, Donald Vachon
Determining the modulation transfer function of a lens-film combination using the diffraction effects of a coherent imaging system, Mark Washburn
Obscure Textile Techniques, Nancy Waterhouse
MTF Analysis of an Emulsion Used for Color Paper, C. Alan Way
A study of the effect of coating variations on tone reproduction in the Association Products Plate, Mark Woodhouse
Studies on the Lith Development of a Silver Iodobromide Emulsion, Larry Zurbrick
Handmade Watercolor Paper, Anne Zyla
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
Improved Methods of Plywood Carcass Construction, George Berry
Microdensitometer digitization, Bruce W. Binns
Image Quality of a Multiple-Pass Optical Contrast Enhancement Technique, Dudley Boden
A Quantitative Study of Cuprous Oxide Photodismutation, Anne Dresden Bowman
Cycles and Processes, Linda Brophy
Shape, Douglas Bull
MTF for Photographic Films by Parameter Estimation in the Space and Frequency Domains, James H. Clark
A preliminary investigation into the effect of select paper characteristics on dot gain in web offset lithography, Timothy Clark
Concept I: a guide to primary mathematics: a visual design problem, Kenneth DeLor
Second Stage Autoradiographic Amplification of Developed Underexposed Tri X Emulsion Images, David Dempster
The Effect of Simultaneous Intensification on the Detective Quantum Efficiency, B. Desai
The Nude, Catharine Monoki Di Lella
An Interpretation of Color Fields Through Screen Printing, Mary Dunn
Sequential Imagery, Richard Elliott
Printed imagery on fabric, Sheryl Fatla
Artifacts of a Pink Childhood, Elizabeth Feick
Characteristics of thermoplastic sensitivity due to thickness, Jeffrey Fleisher
Effect of stabilizers on sulfur sensitization, Anthony Gingello and Gladys MacIntyre
Production and Evaluation of a Holographic Lens, H. Scott Gregory
The Determination of Line Spread Functions for Unconventional Photographic Emulsions, Peter Jann
A study of the Algonquin Hotel, Cheryl Jelonek
Determination of the Relationship Between Information Capacity and Identification by Simulated Aerial Photography, Michael Jones
Spying on Myself, William Karp
The Mystical State, Georgia Kerr
Inner Realities, Timothy Kilby
Elements of visual perception, Dudley Killam
The Monoprint: Techniques and Translations, Alice Kreit
The effect of dopants SiO2, GeO2, and SnO2, on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Mn-Zn ferrites, Santosh Kumari
A general purpose sensitometer for routine sensitometric testing, John Lumia
The practical use of the astrolabe: sculpture/poem, Robert C. Malone
Dumb pictures: an exploration, Richard Margolis