This collection includes theses and dissertations as well as some capstone projects and Master’s projects. The Digital Institutional Repository contains most RIT theses; however, not all past works have been digitized. If you are seeking a specific thesis and do not see it here, please contact the RIT Archives Collections.
All theses and dissertations from 2010 to the present are also available to Rochester Institute of Technology faculty, students and staff from ProQuest.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Colleges and Departments page.
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Factors influencing the acceptance of computer assisted estimating, Sharon Ryan
Quantification of the unsharp masking technique of image enhancement, Larry A. Scarff
Projected reality, Richard E. Schneider
A digital image processing system for slow scan television, James Schueckler
Visual modulation transfer function as a predictor of acuity, Thomas A. Sebring
Second nature, Joseph Solan
The study of factors that affect cell depth during etching in direct transfer gravure, Somchai Sringkarrinkul
For the table, Donald Stuart
Similarities between Chinese Taoism and Western graphic design, Lillian Yin-Ling Sung
Local Color, Gary Thomas Sutto
A new correlation for heat transfer during flow boiling, Bhabesh K. Thakur
Mise en Scene, Nelson Vigneault
Spiritual and philosophical concerns, Frances Welles
Interpretation of Oriental Consciousness, Yu-ru Yeh
Language processors for the Motorola M68000 microprocessor, Joseph Ziarko
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Guidelines to the implementation of printing vocational schools in Nigeria, Samuel Bademosi Adesorioye
A business primer for the artist/craftsman, Susan L. Alves
Images in Glass, Douglas Anderson
A study on the improvement of ROP newspaper color through modification of the reproductive curve to lighten the overall reproduction, Ronald Assoian
The CMS-2 subset compiler, J. T. Badura
The intuitive and the rational, Julie Benjamin
Modification of the Kenworthy Snorkel Camera System, Lewis Brown Jr.
Ultrasonic flaw detection, Wayne Buchar
Granularity: investigating equations that convert (T) to (D), Frederick Catt
The Yellow Pages of tourism resources for the Rochester area: A Tourism directory for Rochester and Monroe County, Nancy Jane Cecilia
Beginnings and Endings, William Cherkin
The effect of screen ruling on the saturation of pastel gamut colors, John T. Chittick
Structural aesthetics in furniture design, James Clark
Color and the Grid, David Cress
The secret soul of things, Joyce E. Culver
Design, construction, and verification of a photographic color paper sensitometer, Daniel Marc Denkin
The effect of emulsion stabilizers on the rate of solution of silver halide grains, Christopher L. Dumont
The effects of concurrent photon amplification utilizing an infrared latensification source, Mitchell D. Feather
The design and construction of an exposure meter for use with infrared sensitized film, James A. Fitz
Trail markers: Entries, views, reminders of passage, Michael Flecky
Transfer function of the human visual system under red safelight conditions with average luminance as a parameter, Virginia Flook
Making and Its Companions in the Visual Arts, Scott Garrison
Gwunder, Martin Gasser
Signatures, Beatrice Geller
Textile "Floorpieces", Patricia Giordano
Design Considerations for a General Purpose Sensitometer, Robert Goldy
Just living, Howard S. Goodman
Ask about degree and department)Handwoven Fabrics for Outerwear, Ann M. Gordon
Greenwich Village Street Life in the Summer After Dark, Roy Greer
An investigation of a viscous lithographic developer, Thomas Gribb
Energy in physical spaces, Anthony Guidice
Halftone Dot Method for Image Evaluation of High-Resolution Films Applied to Vesicular Film, Mark Gulden
Kinetics of rehalogenation bleaches, Kenneth A. Harrison
Influence of first developer solvent levels on the information storage capacity of negative and reversal images, Wendy R. Harrison
Effect of Iodide on Absorption Spectra for Dyes Adsorbed to Silver Halide Substrates, Mark Hinz
The Verification of an optical system design for a low frequency MTF camera, Edwin B. Hoel
Rubaiyats, William H. Hubbell
Three-Dimensional Form and Two-Dimensional Design, Thomas P. Hubert
A Tone reproduction study of a digital image processing system, Gerald Kashtan
Forged sculpture, David Kenney
The Grid: Toward a Design Methodology, Robert Shaffer Kerr
Light scattering in unprocessed photographic emulsions, Jo S. Kirkenaer
Color, raku, and three dimensional space, Barry Kishpaugh
Encaustic Painting Revisited, Miriam S. Lapham
Art: Object, Process, and Reflection, Edward Lind
Use of gadolinium in 13C NMR studies, Barbara J. Luke
Oriental woodworking, Robert March
Signage System for Abuja Internation Airport, Abuja Republic of Nigeria, Hilary G. Marquis
Plate stability in screenless printing, Stephen E. Martin
The Synthesis of Dichotomous Influences, Wendy Maruyama
Recognitions, Elaine Matczak
Image deblurring using lensless Fourier transform holography, Gregory McCoy
A microprocessor based control system for an electric vehicle, Ronald C. Moffatt
Design and production of a comprehensive graininess scale for use in electrophotography, Susan B. Mueller
Illuminations, Judith Natal
Sacred space: Symbols and celebrations, Katherine Nicosia
Curriculum evaluation for graphic arts in secondary education in the Monroe County area of New York State, David S. Norton
Photo impressions: a family history, Helen Elizabeth Obermeyer
Greek revival architectural facades, Miranda Offen
Painted photographs, David Rickerd
Widestock exposure modification, Kurt D. Roberts
A survey Of radiographic films to determine autoradiographic image intensification capabilities, John Ross
Chromatic textures of realism, Suzanne Roth
Monumental wall reliefs, Susan Ferrari Rowley
Increased image resolution and film efficiency via vacuum platens and other mechanical devices, James A. Ruffing
Fowl beasts, the chicken and the egg, Pamela Schuyler-Cowens
The academic tradition of storage furniture: 1100-1800, John Seamster
Spatial frequency processing in the human visual system: a study of black versus white, Robert Seyfert
AgN03 and KBr reagent concentrations' effect on double-jet emulsion grain size dispersity, Daniel D. Siems
Trees, Stephen Small
Aesthetics for a working environment, Gail Fredell Smith
The measurement of RMS granularity of black and white photographic materials using a visual comparison technique, Jack C. Smith
A colorimetric investigation of color tolerances, Scott Stamm
Implementation of an LALR(1) Parser Generator, G. Svenheim
Corporate identity - "the school we have", Ann-Bonnie Swartz
Little Italy, Antonio Toscano
The effect of development temperature on Kodak PR 10 instant print product using a comparative system modulation transfer function for analysis, Jon E. Van Tassell
Spatial filtering of a projection printer, using partially coherent light, Leon Vlahakes