This collection includes theses and dissertations as well as some capstone projects and Master’s projects. The Digital Institutional Repository contains most RIT theses; however, not all past works have been digitized. If you are seeking a specific thesis and do not see it here, please contact the RIT Archives Collections.
All theses and dissertations from 2010 to the present are also available to Rochester Institute of Technology faculty, students and staff from ProQuest.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Colleges and Departments page.
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Determining process latitude with electrically measurable test structures, Jonathan Littlehale
Brief Looks, Mary Jo Llewellyn
Two dimensional design on thrown forms, Roxanne H. Locy
Analysis of vehicle suspension system subjected to random vibration, Shabbir Lokhandwala
Packaging requirements for a sampling mechanism for self-selection liquid foundation makeup, Osnat Lustig
A Student scheduling system for a microcomputer, Michael Mahaney
Toward a new visual vocabulary: a guide to syntactic variables in graphic design, Craig Malmrose
Basic characteristics to achieve common sense reasoning, A. Raul Maselli
Characterization of G.C.A. Wafertrac 9000 using Kodak Micro Positive 820 Resist and Developer ZX-934, Janet Chapin McFarland
Ektachem evaluation, Barbara A. Meiklejohn
Neighborhood aesthetics, Cleveland Mills
High Performance Displacement Chromatography of Estrodial Analogs, David Minicuci
Strips, Marlin Minks
Information graphics: A Guidebook to downtown Rochester, New York, Michael Regis Mooney
Pages from my library, Elizabeth Handley Motlow
Anatomical Study and Illustrative Plates of the Dwarf Galago Primate, Hugh Nachamie
Computer generated graphics vs. traditionally rendered illustration: a contrast and comparison, Nancy J. Oyos
A personal statement about space, Manuel Pagan
The measurement of scatter and absorption using three spectrophotometric techniques, Christopher Pearson
AMISS: a microprogramming simulation system for educational use, Robert Pesar
The effects on hue resulting from black overprinting in halftone reproductions, Brian Philippsen
The painted portrait, Mary Porter
Container forms, Deborah W. Pratt
A Study to Eliminate Moire Patterns Produced in Color Separations When Scanning Polachrome CS Transparency Film on the Hell DC-300 B/L Laser Scanner, Edwin Parker Price
The Determination of paper spread functions and their Fourier transforms from Kubelka-Munk absorption and scattering measurements, Brian Pridham
Object with Pattern/Rubberstamps and the Metal Cutout, Joan Riccardi
A comparative analysis of DNA molecular crosslinking by dichloro-N-substituted azaadamantane isomers, Harry Robbins
Synthesis and characterization of poly(amide-sulfonamides): new candidates for reverse osmosis membranes., Thevarak Rochanapruk
Identifying mechanisms (naming) in distributed systems: goals, implications and overall influence on performance, Wilfredo Rodriguez
An automated tungsten source sensitometer, Michael L. Rudolph
An Examination of Ink Smoothing in a Web-Offset Printing Press, James M. Salacain
Computer enhancement of real world photographic images using homomorphic and linear filtering, Nitin Sampat
The Power of Images, Helen Santelli
Nexus: Painting as a Link to a Primary Reality, Karen Sardisco
In-Line Process Monitoring of Spray Developed Diazoquinone Photoresist, Kenneth Sautter
Ceremonial vessels, Paul Sherman
The Creative Imagination, Dorothy Sholtis
PLANPERT - an expert system for administrative planning, Dershya Song
Network performance monitors, Daniel Sorrentino
Fuzzy data and logical data base design, Karen Steelman
An examination of modulation in Shipley S1400 positive photoresist as resist thickness varies, Mary Kay Swan
Desk copy. 1984, Addison Thompson
Clouds, Joanne Todaro
Color as a subjective tool of poetic images., Carlos Othoniel Torres
Simulation of a data flow computer, Carol Torsone
A Study of mutispectral temporal scene normalization using pseudo-invariant features, applied to Landsat TM imagery, William Volchok
Short time spectrum analysis-synthesis of speech, Dusan Vujcic
Spectrophotometric color formulation based on two-constant Kubelka-Munk theory, Eric Walowit
A performance comparison of oversewn, PVA double fanned, and cleat-laced bindings, Caroline Frazer Watson
The effects of partial coherence on the imaging of lines on photoresist, Robert Douglas Watso
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
The horse: structure and form in nature, Karen Ackoff
Synthesis and characterization of poly(amide-sulfonamides), Michael J. Amone
Glass in a slump, Peter Andres
The world's highest inhabited place: Aucanquilcha, Chile, Jose Araneda
A Study of Rochester Area Hospital Information Systems, Shantanu Bhagoji
Geometry and vision to Galen, Mario Biagioli
Small D.C. bipolar electromagnetic design: optimization and analysis, John J. Breen
Dye imagery, Linda C. Brown
Spectral method of color conversion filter thickness applied to simulation of CIE Illuminants, Paul Butterfield
The effects of benzotriazole in a photographic developer on the covering power of an emulsion, Kenneth Carlson
Optimization of vehicle suspensions subjected to random excitation, Rifaquat Ali Cheema
A Study of the effect of coating variations on resolution performance in the single-phase association product plates, Te-Chung Chen
Combining the graphics arts and fine arts for artistic expression using the medium of printmaking, Linda Condon-Howe
Wrestling with Angels, Robert Cooper
Woodworking, sculpture, and industrial design: three major influences on my work, Terrence Brian Cray
The second moment method, a new way to test a lens, Christopher Curtis
Optimization of a Photographic Shutter by Minimization of Closing Time Variability, Steven D. Daniels
Around me: a photographic journey, Jean-Paul Debattice
Mystery and ambiguity of space, Sister Anne deMare
Ambiguous Environments, Mark A. Dreimiller
A Stability Test of Dry Silver Microfilm, Christopher Edwards
Relational-like file structure, Robert A. Fabbio
An investigation of the effects of image angle on resolution of fine detail screen printing, Amy L. Feldman
Digital Font Design: Alice, Lynne Garell
Medications, Patti Green
Frequency filtering characteristics of the halftone contact screening system, Rudolph J. Guttosch
Thesis photographs, Judith Hanlon
Straying from conscious intention: A Self-portrait based on last year's diary, Christopher Harrold
Smalltalk-80 virtual machine, Ashraful Huq
The fusion of contrasting elements, Edward C. Jacob and Robert Johnston
Tract, Bil Jaeger
A quantitative image evaluation study of a concurrent photon amplification treated emulsion, Konrad E. Kern
The Gshell: a graphical command language for UNIX operating system, Andrew Kitchen
Three installations: a thesis chronicle, Jonathan F. Kline
Synthesis and characterization of poly(imide-sulfonamides), Eric J. Kuckhoff
Indecisions in Patti Scoffield, Larry D. Lean
Korean Ikat, Kyung S. Lee
The Visual Box, Candace Lorimer
Tapestries in transition, Dana Berendt Loud
Video boundaries, James E. Lyle
An airborne thermal remote sensing calibration technique, I. D. Macleod
Determination of the neighboring molecule to the FC receptor on human macrophages, Lorri Jean Malinski
Digital processing of compressed image data, Andrew Masia
Glass: A Study of interior spaces, Concetta Mason
Information theoretic metrics for the assessment of digital image-tone restored images, Paul W. Melnychuck