Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Reliable Hardware Architectures of CORDIC Algorithm with Fixed Angle of Rotations, Rajkumar Ramadoss
Parking in the Urban Core, Matthew Simonis
Reliable Low-Latency and Low-Complexity Viterbi Architectures Benchmarked on ASIC and FPGA, Vineeta Pannalal Singh
Gluten-free Products and Zagreb’s Bakeries, Maja Vukoja
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Kosovo’s Verification Procedure for Diplomas issued by Private Providers of Higher Education, Mirushe Dalipi Latifaj
Reliable and Fault-Resilient Schemes for Efficient Radix-4 Complex Division, Niranjan Manoharan
Applying Social Presence Theory: What Effect Does Lifestyle Imagery Have on Website Persuasiveness?, Deni Paskojevic
Investment Climate and the role of Diaspora in economic development, financial and fiscal incentives for Kosovo, Kreshnik Thaqi
Sonar-Based Autonomous Navigation and Mapping of Indoor Environments Using Micro-Aerial Vehicles, Mark Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Developing Kosovo’s intergovernmental system for improving regional cooperation / [presentation given February 20, 2013], Arta Efendija
How Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults are affected by the Current State of Real Estate, Kelly Metz
Kosovo legislation to ensure implementation of regional economic development [presentation given May 15, 2013], Blerta Miftari
Study of the Crafting Industry in Croatia: Insight into Individual, Sara Milic
Evaluation of the 2011 Kosovo population census [presentation given May 15, 2013], Shpend Thaqi
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Kosovo government buildings : a future out of City Center location 2015-2025 : [presentation given February 29, 2012], Anjeza Alaj
Investment, economic growth and Kosovo's judicial sector, Kushtrim Bajrami
Procedures of hygiene services and protection of the hospital environment : [presentation given on May 23, 2012], Nora Binishi-Dushi
Strengthening the role and capacities of Kosovo institutions for effective implementation of legislation, Sadete Demaj
Drop-out prevention policy for schools in Kosova : [presentation given in May 2012], Valbona Dermaku
The Development of a shop floor control software module for a new branding and packaging scheme, George Diaz
Computer integration of Kosovo’s business registration process : [presentation given on May 23, 2012], Rifat Hyseni
Community Knowledge Sharing Wiki for Higher Education Information Technology Professionals, Joseph M. Karam
Human rights in Kosovo and EU Accession conditionality : [presentation given on May 22, 2012], Arberita Kryeziu
An evaluation of training for civil servant employees of the Ministry of Economic Development, 2005-2011 : [presentation given on May 22,2012], Florina Mehaj-Kosumi
Planning of City Center Government Office accomodation : [presentation given on February 29, 2012], Laureta Mulliqi
Donor coordination in Kosovo 2010-2020 : [presentation given on May 22, 2012], Fatlinda Nitaj-Rexhaj
Compliance & Communication with Kosovar Taxpayers : [presentation given on May 22, 2012], Adriana Nixha
Developing a government guideline for drafting concept papers : [presentation given May 22, 2012), Leonora Rrahmani
Procedural development of the Kosovo`s Government Annual Work Plan, Arjeta Sahiti
Establishment of the Kosovo National Tourism Organization / [presentation given November 14, 2012], Nijazi Shala
The implementation of the civil service law and a future merit system : [presentation given February 29, 2012], Majlinde Sinani-Lulaj
Annual revenues from Kosovo's value added tax ; [presentation given on February 29, 2012], Diamanta Skenderi
Gender equality in Kosovo's uniformed services : [presentation given August 24, 2012], Arbenita Sylejmani
Investing in renovation and management of Kosovo’s cadastral database / [presentation given November 14, 2012], Mentor Xhemajli
Virtualization and shared Infrastructure data storage for IT in Kosovo institutions, Gani Zogaj
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Combating counterfeit goods entering Kosovo : [presentation given on November 16, 2011], Zana Batusha
An assessment of road traffic safety in Kosovo : {presentation given on September 6, 2011], Mentor Bislimi
Opportunities to Foreign Investment in Kosovo : [presentation given on September 6, 2011], Sytrime Dervisholli
Kosovo Security Force Post 2012 / [presentation given on May 17, 2011], Sinan Geci
Kosovo's new customs declaration processing system / [presentation given in May 2011], Bujar Haxhidauti
Financial planning for the future of the Kosovo Security Force 2013-2018 : [presentation given on November 16, 2011], Shqipe Jashari
Road infrastructure development and investment in Kosovo : [presentation given November 17, 2010], Vedat Jashari
Strategic priorities for professional sports infrastructure in Kosova / [presentation given May 16, 2011], Fatmir Kabashi
Screening procedures for strategic environmental assessment in Kosovo : [presentation given in November 2011]., Laura Krypa Gjakova
Gender perspective in Kosovo foreign affairs : [presentation given December 15, 2010], Violeta Kurti Islami
Bringing IBAN to Kosovo / [presentation given May 17, 2011], Fisnik Latifi
Improvements for Kosovo's spatial planning system / [presentation given in May 2011], Luan Nushi
Electoral Reform in Kosovo (2010-2015) / [Presentation given in May 2011], Besnik Osmani
Strategies for improvement of Kosova's forest resources / [presentation given in May 2011], Arben Qerimi
Improvement of the reintegration process of involuntary repatriated persons to Kosovo, Sabrije Rashani-Koci
Primary health care statistics for decision makers : [presentation given March 15, 2011], Mentor Sadiku
Kosovo's foreign policy : why recognitions are important : [presentation given March 2011], Prindon S. Sadriu
Research for ANSI accredited “Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate Program” in Packaging Science for Undergraduate Students, Ankush Sharma
Anthony V. Mannino Foundation: comprehensive marketing strategy report, Kequing Song, Benjamin Woelk, Scott Morabio, Tom Mathew, and Zaw Myint Htoo
Review of recruitment procedures in Kosova's public service / [presentation given May 2011], Baki Svirca
Energy policies and diplomatic relations with the United States : [presentation given on September 6, 2011], Krenare Thaci
Potential additional revenues for Kosovo / [presentation given May 16, 2011], Lindita Toci
Implementation of Kosovo's action plan on decentralization : [presentation given on September 6, 2011], Rozafa Ukimeraj
Introduction to IP multicast in production networks, Ganesh Vidyadharan Girija
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Applying energy efficiency standards in Kosovo's residential buildings : {Presentation given November 2010], Lirie Berisha
Improve stability operations in Kosovo's electrical energy distribution network: a case study of Northern Prishtina : [presentation given May 18, 2010], Lutfije Dervishi
Prishtina International Airport: capacity expansions and service standards : [presentation given August 20, 2010], Bujar Ejupi
Qualifying foreign corks for domestic sales, James J. Gross
The Resettlement process in the Lignite mining areas of Kosovo : [presentation given February 23, 2010], Besnik Haziri
Development of an air quality monitoring network for Kosovo : [presentation given December 13, 2010], Visare Hoxha
Priorities for privatization of Kosovo's electricity distribution network and supply : [presented May 17, 2010], Avdush Ibishi
Infrastructure investment strategies for increased agro-industrial outputs in Kosovo : [presentation given August 12, 2010], Siti Insiana
Emission Controls at Kosova’s Thermal Power Plants, Current and Future Capabilities : [presentation given February 22, 2010], Skender Isufi
Kosovo Energy Corporation debt collection strategy : [presentation given May 24, 2010], Bekim Jakupi
Concept Mapping: A Visual Learning Strategy Benefiting Post-secondary Deaf and Hard of Hearing Accounting Students, Michael E. Kane
Negotiation Training For Non-Purchasing Staff, Becky Kiely
Waste management action plan for the municipality of Prishtina : [presentation given August 23, 2010], Ibrahim Krasniqi
Economical and environmental aspects of spontaneous combustion in Kosovo open mining process : [presentation given May 18, 2010], Bashkim Lushtaku
Design process of web based portal: requirements of AUK Training and Development Institute : [presented May 18, 2010], Ylberina Morina
Sustainability of NGOs in Kosova: Challenges of the third sector and the ways forward : [presentation given May 18, 2010], Dardane Nuka
Internal and external barriers to export success in Kosovo : [presentation given February 25, 2010], Valentina Qarri
Improved strategies for anti-money laundering in Kosovo : [presentation given in late 2010.], Besart Qerimi
The role and future challenges of the Kosovo Security Council (KSC) : [presentation given October 2010], Visar Rushti
Strategic planning for creating effective joint dwelling associations in Kosovo : [presentation given October 2010], Drita Shabani
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Measuring customer service in national commercial bank in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Bahudhailah
Presenting budgeting and financial Management skills in the community, Beverly Murrell-Frasier
Algorithms for testing equivalence of finite automata, with a grading tool for JFLAP, Daphne Norton
Developing new products for emerging markets: a competency based approach, Donna Seyler, Kiat Chyai Kang, and Matthew Place
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Mr.Wolf, a Bad Guy?: Digital multi-language story book, Ya-Wen Chen
Opportunities for network development in Kazakhstan - WiMax, Zhanibek Dossybayev