
In the Dominican Republic, women have traditionally been molded to be housewives, obey men, and not to interfere with men's issues/matters (Duarte, 2009). As in other countries, this has changed over the years as more women succeed and achieve many accomplishments in society, but it still is present to some level in different places and circumstances across the Dominican Republic (Press, 2010). This study was conducted with the objective of gathering information of the Dominicans' perception about the profile of Dominican women as leaders and their roles in society. Based on the interviews inMujeres Extraordinarias: Mujeres en el tiempo, mujeres sin tiempo (Tatem, 2009), of some well recognized Dominican women leaders, a survey was developed to obtain the Dominican population's opinion on the abilities, capacity, and attributes they consider Dominican women to have, and what are the obstacles or barriers they believe that women face trying to succeed in Dominican society. When asked about the capacity of Dominican women to be leaders, the respondents rated them with 8.33 out of 10, and ranked women to be better planners than men. However, 86% of the respondents considered that women feel the need to be physically attractive to obtain good job opportunities.

Publication Date


Document Type

Master's Project

Student Type


Degree Name

Service Leadership and Innovation (MS)

Department, Program, or Center

Department of Service Systems (CAST)


Linda Underhill


This Capstone project is for a collaborative program between CAST (School of International Hospitality and Service Innovation, Department of Service Systems) and PUCMM (Pontífica Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra) in the Dominican Republic.


RIT – Main Campus
