This collection includes theses and dissertations as well as some capstone projects and Master’s projects. The Digital Institutional Repository contains most RIT theses; however, not all past works have been digitized. If you are seeking a specific thesis and do not see it here, please contact the RIT Archives Collections.
All theses and dissertations from 2010 to the present are also available to Rochester Institute of Technology faculty, students and staff from ProQuest.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Colleges and Departments page.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Passing Away, Xin Li
Pawssenger--Enhance the experience of flying with pets, Xinxin Li
Souls of Plants, Yuanyuan Li
Structural Determination of the Nudix Hydrolase Rv2985, a Potential Antibiotic Target in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Aidan Lynch
Frequency Multiplication of Microwave Signals via the Photonic Domain, Mohamed R. Maafa
Event Sensor Simulator with Hardware Accelerated Ray Tracer and Image Space Photon Mapping, Chengyi Ma
Resolution Enhancement for High Numerical Aperture Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography using Aperiodic Multilayer Masks, W Ethan Maguire
Adapting Emergency Response: A Nationwide Study of Disability Accommodation Practices Among Local Emergency Managers, Iskender Mambetkadyrov
Rural Electrification Subsidies: Quantification, Structure and Policy Implications, Lefu Maqelepo
A Foresight study for Sustainable Urban Transport Systems: The Case of Dubai, Salahuddin Bassem Masadeh
Scalable Access-Pattern Aware I/O Acceleration and Multi-Tiered Data Management for HPC and AI Workloads, Avinash Maurya
Modeling Fire Behavior: Increasing Fidelity in High-Complexity Fire Models, Jenna Sjunneson McDanold
Low Cost Combined Camera and IMU Based Control for Autonomous Aerial Orientation Adjustment, Remi McKenzie
Broadened Positive and Emotion Congruent Attentional Biases and Emotion Regulation, Michael McTighe
III-Nitride Nanowire Deep-Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes, Bryan Melanson
Development and Testing of a Far Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer for the Calibration of On-Chip Spectrometers, Dale Mercado
Patient Specific Tissue Emulating Phantoms for Image-guided Intervention Applications, Kelly Merrell
Examining Severing Dynamics of Cytoskeletal Structures Using Computational Methods, Arthur Peterson Miller
Development and Optimization of Electric-Double-Layer Gated Transistors Based on Low-Dimensional Materials: Gate-All-Around InAs Nanowire Arrays and Graphene Channels, John Wyatt Morrell
Introducing Students to Material Libraries Through Interactive Play, Evan Murphy
Digital Transformation of the Accounting and Audit Industry in Kosovo, Lis Musa
Impact of Coolant Temperature on Boiling Chamber Performance for Cooling Electronic Chips, Nooruldeen Mustafa
The Effect of Angiogenesis on Thermal Properties of In-Vivo Human Tissue, Shriya Musuku
On the use of gauge functions to obtain convergent power series solutions to nonlinear ODEs, Nastaran Naghshineh
Machine Learning Framework for Detecting LDAP Injection Attacks, Rahul Nair
Complementing Vehicle Trajectories Using Two Camera Viewpoints, Katsuaki Nakano
Unravelling micro-mysteries: separating microscopic entities using electrokinetic microsystems, Nuzhet Nihaar Nasir Ahamed
Enhancing Healthcare Services through Machine Learning-Driven Anomaly Detection, Mohammad Ayoub Nather Hussain Natheruddin
Leveraging Machine Learning for Enhanced Lead Quality Prediction: A Case Study of VAM Consulting, Huthayfa Nawafleh
Chest Disease Classification using Transfer Learning, Adarsh Neema
Osmanthus, Zixuan Ni
Flight Preparations and Data Reduction for the Third Flight of the Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment-2, Kazuma Noda
Early Identification of PCOS in Adolescents and Alternatives in Management, Melissa Nortz
Integrative Hyperspectral Approaches for Advanced Soil Property Analysis and Environmental Monitoring, Nayma Binte Nur
Rainfall Prediction Using Machine Learning Methods, Ibrahim Abdulla Obaidalla
Driver’s Accident Behavioral Analytics Using AI, Mohamad Amin Obaid
A Novel Approach to Predicting Particle Deposition in a Human Lung Using a Lumped, Oscillatory Respiratory Model, Jordana E. O'Brien
SOLD OUT: The Commodification of Personal Data in the Digital Age, Olaya Ordieres Ortega
Integrative approaches to evaluate challenges faced by songbirds during migration and associated physiological trade-offs, Gabriella L. Orfanides
Amorfe: An AI-Integrated Interactive Brainstorming Interface, Ipshita Pal
Selling The City: A Qualitative Study on the Image Construction of Times Square through Its Media Environment, Sheetal Pandey
VOLTEX: HMI concept design, Zhengyu Pan
The Mythical Nexus: Illuminating the Rich Tapestry of Global Folklore, Trishala Parmar
Comparative Analysis of Earth-Bermed and Conventional; Single-Family, Residential Homes in the Hudson Valley Region, Beacon, New York, Michael G. Patchen
BHASHA: An Interactive Experience Learning Indian Languages, Charmy Patel
Impacts of Professional Development on Researchers, Kayleigh M. Patterson
SuperCook: Design Interactive Culinary Experiences with AI Technology, Yize Peng
Bridging Blobs: The Transformative Communication System, Philip Pham
Designing an Animated Presentation for Educating Physicians and Patients on Opioid Addiction, Jenny Phillips
Modeling the impact of behavioral changes and heterogeneity on U.S. energy demand, Sinoun Phoung
Hope vs. Hate: Understanding User Interactions with LGBTQ+ News Content in Mainstream US News Media through the Lens of Hope Speech, Jonathan Pofcher
Wanderlust, Yifan Qian
Emotional First Aid Kit Design, Wenxi Qi
Continual Learning for an Ever Evolving and Intelligent Malware Classification System, Mohammad Saidur Rahman
Exploring NGC 2287: An Investigation of Open Cluster Membership, Rotation, and a Curiously Bifurcated Main Sequence, Benjamin J. Ramsey
Review of Literature on Efficacy and Safety of Birthing Positions with Emphasis on International Cultural Influences on Obstetric Care, Ava E. Retsch
Kilonova Modeling and Parameter Inference, Marko Ristic
Investigating key challenges in managing inventories of spares in the EV sector, Keasav Ram R
Modeling the Reverberation Response of the Broad Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei, Sara A. Rosborough
Quantum Lissajous Figures via Projection, Errico Russo
Effects of Soil Amendments on Community Structure and Function in Created Wetlands, Lauren Saggese
A Mixture-of-Experts Approach to Fine-Tuning the Segment Anything Model, Rajat Sahay
Adaptive Parameter Tuning for Robust Event-Based SLAM in Diverse Scenarios, Saber Muawiyah Sakhrieh
Rêvê la Drame, Pranjal Yogendra Sawai
Theoretical and Experimental Study of Thermoradiative Cells for Space Power Generation, Andrew Schaefer
Shape Between Intimacy, Mackenzie Serwa
Mishran, Kajal Shah
Multimodal Data Fusion and Model Compression Methods for Computer Vision, Manish Sharma
Color Change: Illumination and Observers, Che Shen
Busy World: 3D To-do Lists App, Zhixiao Shen
Implications of AI Adoption on Kosovo’s Tech SMEs, Agullina Shllaku
Analyzing the Effects of Economic Factors on Residential Real Estate Market Dynamics of Dubai: Using Machine Learning Methods, Zarrina Shokirova
High Heat Flux Dissipation Techniques Using Enhancement Structures and Subcooled Boiling Chamber for High Performance Computing Applications, Maharshi Y. Shukla
Optimizing Supply Chain Dynamics using Machine Learning, Mohammad Zubin Siddiqui
Greenmind: A Climate-Positive News Portal, Surabhi Singh
DILINK X Human Machine Interface Design, Tiancheng Si
On The Naming Of Identifiers: A Survey of Undergraduate Students, Stacy Skalicky
Revisiting the Phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty in the Context of Contemporary Cognitive Science, Gareth E. Smith
Pines for Progress: Empowering Rural Nicaraguan Villages, Paige Smith
Investigation on the Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Phase Change Materials for Packaging Application, Sriram Srinivasan
REVITALIZING THE ROCHESTER GORGE Strategic Urban Site Planning to Enhance Water Quality in the Lower Genesee River, Stephen Adam Stoker
SYN: Exploring Multi-Sensory Sound Experiences Through an Immersive Installation, Samara Sudhir
Smart Credit Card Fraud Detection using Machine Learning, Aisha Bin Sulaiman and Rowdha Masood Falaknaz
Ghost in My Heart, Xueqi Sun
Sonic Space: A Music Visualization and Interaction System using particles, Yi Sun
A Programmable Look-up Table-based Processing in Memory Architecture for Massively Parallel, Energy-Efficient Processing of Data-intensive Applications within DRAM, Purab Ranjan Sutradhar
Optical Differentiation Wavefront Sensor with Pixelated Filters Toward High Performance Metrology, Biswa R. Swain
Temporal Analysis and Prediction of Air Quality Based on Environmental Data, Mizbah Syed
Comparative Analysis of Artificial Intelligence and Statistical Models for Li-ion Battery Cells State Estimation in Electric Vehicles, Rasha H.A. Tabasha
Dissonance, Shreya Talegaonkar
Body Study, Annaliese "Ace" Taylor
Genomic analysis of virulence loci that enable growth of Plasmopara viticola on resistant Vitis spp., Sarah Teeter
A Spectroscopic Search for Recoiling Supermassive Black Holes in Nearby Active Galaxies, Emily Temple
EGO - Acupressure AR Glasses, Chin Yin Teng
Photonic Integrated Circuit Data Acquisition and Tunable Laser Control for Biomedical Point of Care Systems, Maximilian Thoburn