
The functionality of MOSFETs makes them a crucial component in modern electrical engineering. These devices play a fundamental role in a wide range of applications. Understanding the behavior and characteristics of MOSFETs is essential for their effective utilization in circuit design. One crucial parameter that significantly impacts MOSFET performance is voltage gain. It represents the ratio of output voltage to input voltage and varies depending on the circuit configuration employed. When selecting a MOSFET for a specific circuit, understanding the parameters and characteristics that influence voltage gain becomes crucial. This research project aims to delve into the realm of MOSFETs, investigating, simulating, and testing various parameters that influence their performance. The study will encompass a broad spectrum of factors.

Publication Date


Document Type

Master's Project

Student Type


Degree Name

Electrical Engineering (MS)

Department, Program, or Center

Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering, Department of


Kate Gleason College of Engineering


Mark A. Indovina

Advisor/Committee Member

Ferat Sahin


RIT – Main Campus
