Documents from 2007
Architecture design of a scalable adaptive deblocking filter for H.264/AVC, Eric Ernst
Characterization of cyber attacks through variable length Markov models, Daniel Fava
Terrain and Behavior Modeling for Projecting Multistage Cyber Attacks, Daniel Fava, Jared Holsopple, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Brian Argauer
A real-time variable resolution Chirp z-Transform, Christopher Felder
Parallelization of the maximum likelihood approach to phylogenetic inference, Janine Garnham
Applicability of clustering to cyber intrusion detection, Gilbert Hendry
Demonstrating in the Classroom Ideas of Frequency Response, Mark A. Hopkins
A link-quality-aware graph model for cognitive radio network routing topology management, Andrew Michael James
Cyberinfrastructure: Supporting scientific discovery and innovation in the 21st century, Diaz-Herrera Jorge
Power reduction techniques for memory elements, Srikanth Katrue
Feasibility and performance analysis of sensor modeling in OPNET, Niranjan Krishnamurthi
Wireless Video Telephony Performance Enhancements: Towards Applied Network Engineering Approach, Justin Madigan and Fei Hu
Investigating the effects of an on-chip pre-classifier on wireless ECG monitoring, Alexandru Samachisa
A Multi-Camera System for a Real-Time Pose Estimation, Andreas Savakis, Matthew Erhard, James Schimmel, and Justin Hnatow
The Effect of Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Robot Team Formation, Mark H. Seidman and Shanchieh Jay Yang
Methodology and optimizing of multiple frame format buffering within FPGA H.264/AVC decoder with FRExt., Timothy Aaron Stotts
IEEE Compliant Double-Precision FPU and 64-bit ALU with Variable Latency Integer Divider, Ryan D. Williams
Internet protocol television (IPTV): The Killer application for the next-generation internet, Yang Xiao, Xiaojiang Du, and Jingyuan Zhang
Documents from 2006
A Multicamera System for Gesture Tracking With Three Dimensional Hand Pose Estimation, Evan M. Clark
Simulated Annealing with min-cut and greedy perturbations, Brian J. Cody
0.35um implementation of an experimental mixed signal image compression circuit, Reema Divatia
Visual intent recognition in a multiple camera environment, Matthew Erhard
A theoretical eye model for uncalibrated real-time eye gaze estimation, Justin Hnatow
TANDI: Threat Assessment of Network Data and Information, Jared D. Holsopple
TANDI: Threat Assessment of Network Data and Information, Jared Holsopple, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Moises Sudit
Parallelization of a Maximum Parsimony Branch and Bound Algorithm for Phylogenetic Inference, Curtis J. Howard
An auditory classifier employing a wavelet neural network implemented in a digital design, Jonathan Hughes
Tele-cardiology sensor networks for remote ECG monitoring, Meng Jiang
A new architecture for single-event upset detection & reconfiguration of SRAM-based FPGAs, Ihesiaba Kamanu
Streamlining of the state-dependent Riccati equation controller algorithm for an embedded implementation, Sergey Katsev
A clustering approach in sensor network time synchronization, Ramesh Krishnaram
A Low-Power Interface Design for Intelligent Sensor Nodes Utilized in Wireless Sensor Networks, Shruti Lakdawala
Modeling Off-the-Shelf Pan/Tilt Cameras for Active Vision Systems, Yuriy Luzanov
Streaming Video Performance and Enhancements in Resource-Constrained Wireless Networks, Justin James Madigan
Potential field based approach for multi-threat containment with cooperative robots, Bhushan Mehendale
Real time face matching with multiple cameras using principal component analysis, Andrew Mullen
Zoom techniques for achieving scale invariant object tracking in real-time active vision systems, Eric Nelson
FPGA implementation and performance comparison of a Bayesian face detection system, Christopher J. Rericha
MANET protocol stack testing using wireless emulation platform, Amish Rughoonundon
Placement, visibility and coverage analysis of dynamic pan/tilt/zoom camera sensor networks, John A. Ruppert
Hierarchical N-Body problem on graphics processor unit, Mohammad Faisal Siddiqui
CMOS image sensor with bi-directional column sensor, Philip D. Thorpe II
Graphical microcode simulator with a reconfigurable datapath, Brian VanBuren
Practical implementation and performance analysis on security of sensor networks, Nidhi Verma
FPGA implementation of Reed Solomon codec for 40Gbps Forward Error Correction in optical networks, Kenny Chung Chung Wai
Evaluating Threat Assessment for Multi-Stage Cyber Attacks, Shanchieh Jay Yang, Jared Holsopple, and Moises Sudit
Self-localization in ubiquitous computing using sensor fusion, Jeffrey Zampieron
Documents from 2005
Modeling of a hardware VLSI placement system: Accelerating the Simulated Annealing algorithm, William Merle Batts Jr.
RITSim: distributed systemC simulation, David Richard Cox
A New Digital Image Compression Algorithm Based on Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Chance Glenn, Michael Eastman, and Gaurav Paliwal
Parts-based object detection using multiple views, David Higgs
Hardware and Software Multi-precision Implementations of Cryptographic Algorithms, Muhammad A. Janjua
Hardware Software Synthesis of a H.264 / AVC Baseline Profile Decoder, Stephen P. Joralemon
Reconfigurable elliptic curve cryptography, Aarti Malik
Data Aggregation and Cross-layer Design in WSNs, Carter May
A new design methodology for mixed level and mixed signal simulation using PSpice A/D and VHDL, Sreeram Rajagopalan
Vision-based hand shape identification for sign language recognition, Jonathan Rupe
SPECTRA: Secure Power Efficient Clustered Topology Routing Algorithm, Waqaas Siddiqui
Linux OS emulator and an application binary loader for a high performance microarchitecture simulator, Scott Warner
VHDL Modeling of an H.264/AVC Video Decoder, Thomas Benjamin Warsaw
Documents from 2004
Support Vector Machines in a real time tracking architecture, Benjamin Castaneda
Genetic algorithms in cryptography, Bethany Delman
Performance estimation techniques for micro-heterogeneous computing systems, Mikhail Goltsman
Concurrent evolution of feature extractors and modular artificial neural networks, Victor Hannak
Image sequence restoration by median filtering, Shawn R. Jackson
Multiprocessor DSP Implementation of the JPEG 2000 Codec, Scott Mayne
Feasibility analysis of correlation based prefetching using digital signal processing, David L. Morse
Evaluation of the PlayStation 2 as a cluster computing node, Christopher R. Nigro
A Convex Optimization Approach to the Design of Multiobjective Discrete Time Systems, Anirudh Oberoi
Statistical closed-loop process scheduling, James D. Remus
VHDL implementation and synthesis of adaptive thresholding, Nicholas P. Sardino
Efficient Human Facial Pose Estimation, James C. Schimmel
Linux kernel support for Micro-Heterogeneous Computing, Kim R. Schuttenberg
Optimal Topologies for Wireless Sensor Networks, Jason Tillett, Shanchieh Jay Yang, Raghuveer Rao, and Ferat Sahin
Developing an example-based faculty training course, Anthony Trippe and Karen Vignare
Documents from 2003
A flexible hardware architecture for 2-D discrete wavelet transform: design and FPGA implementation, Richard Carbone
0.18 µm CMOS low power standard cell library, Suryadi Gunawan
Preserving conformance for GCRA regulated flows, Deryck Hong
Near-Lossless Bitonal Image Compression System, Jeremy Pyle
Improved methods and system for watermarking halftone images, Phil Sherry
Media processor implementations of image rendering algorithms, Josephine Smith
An Exploration of MPEG-7 Shape Descriptors, Bret Woz
Documents from 2002
Analysis of H/W & S/W techniques for data reduction in high speed digital image processing, Paul DeSanctis
Analysis and hardware implementation of color map inversion algorithms, Michael Martin
An Investigation of trace cache organizations for superscalar processors, Edward Mulrane Jr
Simultaneous multithreading: Operating system perspective, Vyacheslav Rubinfine
Efficient Utilization of Fine-Grained Parallelism using a microHeterogeneous Environment, William L. Scheidel
Reconstructing the Boundary of a Web Document, James Sweet
Support vector machines for image and electronic mail classification, Matthew Woitaszek
A Parallel implementation of an mpeg-2 encoder using message-passing, Jennifer Zenner
Documents from 2001
Firewall strategies using network processors, Matthew Mariani
Adaptive virtual protocol stacks for intrusion detection applications, David McGann
Hardware Implementation of JPEG-LS codec, Michael Piorun
Documents from 2000
An Evaluation of the S2Ia switched-current architecture for (delta)(sigma) modulator ADCs, Andre Botha
A VHDL design for hardware assistance of fractal image compression, Andrew Erickson
Digital image watermarking techniques, Christopher Martin
The Design, modeling and simulation of switching fabrics: For an ATM network switch, Dmitriy Molokov
An Investigation of thread scheduling heuristics for a simultaneous multithreaded processor, Ralph Zajac Jr
Documents from 1999
Guaranteed bandwidth implementation of message passing interface on workstation clusters, Ali Atalay
The Comparison of three 3D graphics raster processors and the design of another, Paul Brown