
The requirements of today's telecommunication systems to support high bandwidth and added flexibility brought about the expansion of (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) ATM as a new method of high-speed data transmission. Various analytical and simulation methods may be used to estimate the performance of ATM switches. Analytical methods considerably limit the range of parameters to be evaluated due to extensive formulae used and time consuming iterations. They are not as effective for large networks because of excessive computations that do not scale linearly with network size. One the other hand, simulation-based methods allow determining a bigger range of performance parameters in a shorter amount of time even for large networks. A simulation model, however, is more elaborate in terms of implementation. Instead of using formulae to obtain results, it has to operate software or hardware modules requiring a certain amount of effort to create. In this work simulation is accomplished by utilizing the ATM library - an object oriented software tool, which uses "software chips" for building ATM switches. The distinguishing feature of this approach is cut-through routing realized on the bit level abstraction treating ATM protocol data units, called cells, as groups of 424 bits. The arrival events of cells to the system are not instantaneous contrary to commonly used methods of simulation that consider cells as instant messages. The simulation was run for basic multistage interconnection network types with varying source arrival rate and buffer sizes producing a set of graphs of cell delays, throughput, cell loss probability, and queue sizes. The techniques of rearranging and sorting were considered in the simulation. The results indicate that better performance is always achieved by bringing additional stages of elements to the switching system.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Asynchronous transfer mode; Telecommunication--Switching systems--Simulation methods; Telecommunication--Switching systems--Design and construction; Packet switching (Data transmission)

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

Computer Engineering (KGCOE)


Heliotis, James

Advisor/Committee Member

Savakis, Andeas


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: TK5105.35 .M64 2000


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