Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Appraisal and Deaccession: A Case Study with the Mark Ellingson Collection, Heather Clarke
Pinups and Pinball: The Sexualized Female Image in Pinball Artwork, Melissa A. Fanton
Getting Kosovo Back to Work - Assessing Youth Employability in Kosovo, Iliriana Halili
Provisions of Maternity Leave in the Republic of Kosovo: Impact on Private Sector and Employment, Nida Krasniqi
Recovering Eleanor Roosevelt's Voice: The Exhibition of Prospects of Mankind, Kellie S. Menzies
Regulating the Violent Past: Methods in Dark Tourism, Jean Pietrowski
Caring for Kodak's Colorama: Methodologies for Collections Care at George Eastman Museum, Mackenzie Robbins
The Impact of Scholarships on Student Careers: The Case of IPKO Foundation Next Generation Scholarship, Daors Sahatciu
Accessibility Practices & The Inclusive Museum: Legal Compliance, Professional Standards, and the Social Responsibility of Museums, Ruth Erin Starr
Interpreting African Americans in Baseball: A Case Study of the National Baseball Hall of Fame’s Museum, Carly Washburn
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Matural Exams in Kosovo: An Analysis on 2014 Test Results, Genta Agaj
Access to Antenatal Health Services Among Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian (RAE) Women in Kosovo, Jete Aliu
Issue of Non-Addressed Recommendations from the Auditor General in Kosovo, Lule Bahtiri
Factors Influencing Gender Gap Participation among the Private and Public Sectors of Kosovo, Anyla Beqa
Hand Operated Tabletop Letterpress Assembly Instructions 1.0, George Chiu, Brendan Domos, Spencer Herzog, Nathan Sandidge, and Kevin Weinstein
Career Development Center Reformation: Enhancing the Employability of UP Students, Blendrit Elezaj
The Digitization and Accessibility of Documents: A Case Study at the Rochester Public Library, Kirsten Feigel
How to Make the Pediatric Department in the Regional Hospital of Mitrovica the Best Health Care Provider in Kosovo, Nderim Gerguri
Kosovo's Forensic Psychiatric Institution: Challenges on Management, Procedures of Treatment, and Finances, Margarita Gjocaj
Digital Museum Consortia: A Prototype for Interconnected and Accessible Database Design, Ben Heller
The Neoliberal Privatization in Kosovë: A Deconstructed Myth, Edison Jakurti
Evaluative Measures: Assessing the Effectiveness of Exhibits and Programs in Zoos, Drew Johnson
Gender and Selection of Undergraduate Programs: Factors Affecting Career Aspirations of Females in Prishtina District, Fjolla Kancaniku
Creation of a Curatorial Plan for the RIT Archives: A Case Study of the Frans Wildenhain Ceramic Collection, Alexander Nacca
The Effectiveness of Kosovo's Regulation on Public Sector Salaries, Albiona Peci
Fostering Economic Growth: The Establishment of the Free Economic Zone in Gjakova, Bleta Polloshka
Cost Benefit Analysis of Residential Insulation in Kosovo, Anila Qehaja
The Law of the Protection of Personal Data: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Endrine Rafuna
Testing and Evaluating Dye Color: A Study Using Spectrophotometry on Technicolor and Eastman Color Motion Picture Film, Melissa Sagen
Perspectives of Chaos: Determining Meaning Through Interpretation, Benjamin M. Schmidt
Implementing a Patient Information System in Public Hospitals in Kosovo, Adriana Sejfia
Collection and Transportation of Municipal Solid Waste in Prishtina Municipality, Linda Shuku
Protection of the Domestic Food & Beverage Industry from Unfair Competition Coming from Foreign Countries, Kushtrim Spahiu
Trends in Acquiring New Members and Retaining Loyal Members at Rochester Regional Museums, Joshua L. Stapf
Adding Internet Safety and Financial Education for Children as New Courses in Elementary School Curriculum, Gresa Statovci
Curating Deaf Spaces in Rochester: A Historical Self-Guided Mobile Application Tour, Allison Thompson
Museums and Visitors with Autism: An Overview of Programs, Rachel Varner
A Cost Benefit Analysis of Establishing a Prishtina Aquatic Therapy Center, Berna Visoka
Factors affecting the regular monthly payment of electricity bills in Hajvali, Dina Vllasaliu
Fighting Informal Economy: Informal Labor, Lumbardh Zagragja
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Female School Dropout: Gender Differences in Students’ School Retention, Edona Begu
A Structured Reality, Jeremy Berke
Samantha’s Dilemma: A Look into a Life with AI, Thomas Bojarski
Divine Motivation Theory: Psychology in the Guise of Ethics, Kayla Emerson
The Export Potential of Kosovo's Natural Resources and their Impact on the Kosovo Economy, Arif Hoti
Recovering the History of Graphic Design: The Voice & Vision of Elaine Lustig Cohen, Megan Moltrup
Feasibility Studies on Future Exchange of Agricultural Commodities in Kosovo, Lorez Qehaja
Taxpayer's Right in Kosovo, Herolinda Zenuni
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Establishing a women's and gender studies program at AUK, Teuta Avdimetaj
The Role of municipalities in developing Kosovo mountain villages, Blerina Halili
Inconsistencies in the tax legislation in Kosovo, Rineta Hoxha
Usage of demographical population trends and statistics in public policy in Kosovo, Fitore Hyseni
Kosovo’s comparative advantages: The Agriculture sector [presentation given August 15, 2013], Arzana Myderrizi
Tax competition for FDI in Western Balkans, Nita Shala
Assessment and Viability for an IT Concentration Expansion at AUK, Lumbardh Sokoli
Cross-country Comparative Analysis of Healthcare Financing in Western Balkans: its effect on performance and quality, Qendrim Sopjani
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Demarcating Computer Science, Dana Burkart
Government Debt Crisis in Eurozone Case Studies: Greece and Italy What can Kosovo learn from the Eurozone crisis?, Blendi Hasaj
Determination of Chromaticness Difference Tolerance of Offset Printing by Means of Simulation, Jing Sheng
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Towards a human centered economy, Joseph Featherall
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Analysis of the edge effect of error propagation in digital halftones, Sunadi Gunawan
Historical radiometric calibration of Landsat 5, Erin O'Donnell
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Experimental study of colorant scattering properties when printed on transparent media, Anthony Calabria
Automatic optical matched filtering an evaluation of Reflexite and Transitions lenses in an optical matched filtering role, Timothy Hattenberger
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
An evaluation of the current state of digital photography, Charles Dickinson
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
An analysis of wet-on-wet trapping using the Walker and Fetsko ink transfer equation, Sam Powell
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
An Investigation into the Limits of Registration Error in Tri-Color Continuous Tone Images, Carolyn Braley
The relationship between average color difference and 3-channel colorimetric quality factor for a simple additive color system, Stefan Pabst
Imaging land/water demarcation lines for coastal mapping, Kirk Smedley
Computer vision of a moving square using a two-level data hierarchy, David Zokaites
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
The determination of metameric mismatch limits of industrial colorant sets, Michael Beering
Mathematical Modeling of the Nikon Lampas Reflection Measuring Microscope, William O. Bennett
Comparison of Existing Linewideth Measuring Systems to an Experimental Unit that Enables Minimization of Vibration During Measurement, James G. De Witt
The effect of cross-coupling on the temporal response of ultrasonic transducer arrays, David Hadley
The production of custom variable neutral density filters using film and a computer controlled imaging device, Gregory A. Hermanson
Characterization of G.C.A. Wafertrac 9000 using Kodak Micro Positive 820 Resist and Developer ZX-934, Janet Chapin McFarland
The measurement of scatter and absorption using three spectrophotometric techniques, Christopher Pearson
An Examination of Ink Smoothing in a Web-Offset Printing Press, James M. Salacain
An examination of modulation in Shipley S1400 positive photoresist as resist thickness varies, Mary Kay Swan
Spectrophotometric color formulation based on two-constant Kubelka-Munk theory, Eric Walowit
The effects of partial coherence on the imaging of lines on photoresist, Robert Douglas Watso
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Spectral method of color conversion filter thickness applied to simulation of CIE Illuminants, Paul Butterfield
The effects of benzotriazole in a photographic developer on the covering power of an emulsion, Kenneth Carlson
The second moment method, a new way to test a lens, Christopher Curtis
The effect of aerial haze on the contrast and resolution of a photographic image in direct application to a low-altitude, remote, pilotless imaging system, Todd Eric Pegelow
Color vision tests using a calibrated color monitor controlled by a microprocessor, David Wolf
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
An investigation of film and contact screen effects in the halftone dot system, Michelle Bushnell
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Prediction of Small-Scale Densities Using the Chemical and Optical Spread Functions, David S. Cline
Derivation of the Optimum Film Contrast Gradient in Photographic Tone-Reproduction Systems, William R. Dowling
Prediction of cut-off frequency from the maximum slope of a transmittance scan of an ideal edge, Dale E. Ewbank
Correlation of silver halide emulsion bar-coater vacuum chamber pressure fluctuations with flow pattern occurrence, Paul Fitzpatrick
Investigation of a Method to Increase the Sensitivity of Counter-Current Immunoelectrophoresis Using Direct-Contact Photography, James E. Hohenberger
Optimization of positive resist/developer pairs for semiconductor fabrication, John G. Maltabes
The Removal of Low Concentrations of Heavy Metals from Photographic Processing Effluents Using a Modified Crovex Silver Recovery Metallic Replacement System, John W. Miller Jr
A Survey of Twelve Factors Influencing Covering Power, Jeffrey Wagner
Digitization, testing, and evaluation of a device for rapid determination of rms granularity, Daniel J. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
The effect of band-passed spatial noise on the perception of grain, Wallace Carpenter