Volume 14, Issue 1 Winter 2010/2011
The Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities (JSESD) has been providing a venue for the dissemination of research and practice related to the education of students with disabilities in the science classroom and laboratory since 1998. Volumes #1 through 11 were published in a print format. Starting with Volume #12, the journal has been published as Open Access and online.
Letter from Editors
Reseach Articles
An Exploration into the Barriers and Facilitators Experienced by University Graduates with Disabilities Requiring Personal Assistance Services
Norma J. Stumbo, Bradley N. Hedrick, Courtney Weisman, and Jay K. Martin
Increasing STEM Accessibility in Students with Print Disabilities through MathSpeak
M.D. Isaacson, Dave Schleppenbach, and Lyle Lloyd
Evidence-based Practices in Mentoring Students with Disabilities: Four Case Studies
Norma J. Stumbo, Jay K. Martin, Dan Nordstrom, Tina Rolfe, Sheryl Burgstahler, Jean Whitney, Samantha Langley - Turnbaugh, Lynn Lovewell, Babette Moeller, Randy Larry, and Ed Misquez
Call for Papers
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