Microelectronic Engineering Conference 2009
Collecting and Storing Wireless Power from a RF Source
Justin D. Blair
Development of a Planarization Process for the Fabrication of III-V on Silicon Esaki diodes
Michael J. Barth
Mask-Less Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell (May 2009)
C K. Chan and R E. Pearson
A Walking Silicon Robot
David W. Grund Jr and Lynn F. Fuller
A Simulator for EUV Lithography Mirrors
Thiago S. Jota
A New 6" Metal Gate PMOS Process
Jessica Marks
Low Temperature Junction Formation in Silicon
Andrew McCable
Process Design & Development of Contact Cut Double Patterning
William A. Namestnik
Nickel Nanodots for Memory Devices
Anthony J. Pacifico
Design & Fabrication of an 8 Bit ADC
Garret Phillips
Surface Imaging Through Silylation
Chelsea R. Plourde
Front contact Grid Design for Terrestrial III-V Concentrator Solar Cells
Stephen J. Polly, Michael Jackson, and Seth Hubbard
Etching for Dual Damascene Fabrication
Samuel Rodens
4-Bit Microprocessor: Design, Simulation, Fabrication, and Testing
A J. Ryan, G O. Phillips, R E. Pearson, and L F. Fuller
The Role of Fluorine in Growth Rate Enhancement and Charge Supperssion on a Low Temperature Thermally SiO2 Interface Layer
Brian R. Silkey
Metastable States and Leakage in PN Junction Diodes
P Whiting and K Hirschman