
This study involves the comparison of two image acquisition sequences, the spin-echo (SE) sequence and the fast-spin-echo (FSE) sequence, used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The conventional SE sequence acquires one line of k-space at a time while the FSE sequence can acquire N lines of k-space at a time. FSE scan times are therefore much faster, but the disadvantages include a lower signal-to-noise ratio and reduced accuracy. The purpose of this study is to compare T1, T2, and ρ images calculated from both FSE and SE sequences and to determine if images from the FSE sequence can be corrected, if necessary. The experiment was carried out by preparing a phantom of five test targets with T1 and T2 values similar to brain tissue imaged at 1.5T. The phantom was imaged using a SE sequence and three different FSE sequences with N=8, 16, and 32. The acquisition times were 90, 30, 15, and 5 minutes, respectively. Fourteen images were acquired from each sequence and input into a computer program that generated T1, T2, and ρ images. Two-dimensional T2 vs. T1 histograms were created and compared. As N increased (and scan time decreased), the clusters in the two-dimensional histograms that represented the test targets became less clearly defined and their T1 values increased.

Publication Date


Document Type

Senior Project


Not listed.


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in February 2014. senior project.


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