
Image-capable interprocessor links often require the use of specialized communications protocols due to the large amounts of data that can be transmitted and the high speeds at which the data can be transferred. Without a set of generalized image-capable communications rules, these protocols are commonly customized to each interprocessor link application. The image-capable interprocessor link communications protocol described in this paper (IPLIMP) has been designed to limit the need for such customization at a low level. In order to accomplish this, IPLIMP provides simple methods for synchronizing and controlling link operations, sending and receiving data, downloading additional protocol layers, and communicating with higher level services. By providing this basic set of functions with minimized overhead, IPLIMP can be used as a fundamental building block for numerous image-capable interprocessor link applications. In this manner, a common basis for image communications is developed, thereby ensuring at least a low level degree of compatibility.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Computer network protocols; Digital communications; Image transmission

Publication Date


Document Type


Student Type


Degree Name

Computer Science (MS)

Department, Program, or Center

Computer Science (GCCIS)


James Heliotis

Advisor/Committee Member

John Ellis

Advisor/Committee Member

Donald Kreher


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