"Resist Characterization for 157nm Lithography" by Christopher Bolton

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A resist characterization experiment was performed utilizing 157nm Vacuum Ultra-violet (VUV) Lithography. A number of older technology resists such as MXP8, APEX-E, and UVIII were placed in the beam path of a Lumonics Series 700 fluorine excimer laser and subjected to timed exposures on the tool. The features were then developed in a low normality CD26 developer and characterization curves for each of the resists were plotted. Through the experimentation it was found that each of the three resists investigated was able to clearly demonstrate imaging qualities at 157nm. The contrast curves of the MXP8 and APEX-E resist indicate that they may have the characteristics to be used as early negative resists at 157nm, while the Shipley UVIII 248nm resist demonstrated both positive and negative characteristics due to competing mechanisms within the resist.

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