
Authenticated encryption (AE) is a symmetric key cryptographic scheme that aims to provide both confidentiality and data integrity. There are many AE algorithms in existence today. However, they are often far from ideal in terms of efficiency and ease of use. For this reason, there is ongoing effort to develop new AE algorithms that are secure, efficient, and easy to use. The sponge construction is a relatively new cryptographic primitive that has gained popularity since the sponge-based K ECCAK algorithm won the SHA-3 hashing competition. The duplex construction, which is closely related to the sponge, pro- vides promising potential for secure and efficient authenticated encryption. In this paper we introduce a novel authenticated encryption algorithm based on the duplex construction that is targeted for hardware implementation. We provide explicit customization guidelines for users who desire unique authenticated encryption solutions within our security margins. Our substitution step uses 16 × 16 AES-like S-boxes which are novel because they are the largest bijective S-boxes to be used by an encryption scheme in the literature and are still efficiently implementable in both hardware and software.

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Document Type

Conference Paper

Department, Program, or Center

Computer Science (GCCIS)


RIT – Main Campus
