Volume 6, Issue 1 (2021)
Research: Qualitative and Quantitative
Theory, Culture, and Craft
How Creative Writers can work with Archivists: A Crash Course in Cooperation and Perspectives
Erin Renee Wahl and Pamela Pierce
Looking While Reading I, II, III
Sarah Minor
Toward an Erotics of Reading: Three Hypotheses on Pleasure from Barthes's "The Pleasure of the Text"
C. Connor Syrewicz
Diversity and Inclusion
The Extracurriculum of Creative Writing
Nancy Reddy
The Mind and the Self: A Preliminary Analysis of Handbooks Written by Women and Men on How to Write Fiction from 1900-1940
Mitchell R. James
Public Promises, Hazy Vision: What Program Learning Outcomes Tell Us About Creative Writing as an Academic Subject
Tanya Perkins and Lisa Marling
Digital and Multimodal/Multimedia
“Against Thoughts and Prayers”
Robert Grant Price
Prolific Moment
Diane Stubbings
Why Writing Matters
Diane Stubbings
Conference Proceedings
Community Building Panel
Building Literary Community Through Online Readings
Alexa Garvoille
Craft and Genre Analysis Panel
Fragmenting Fatherhood: Nonlinear Memoir’s Articulation of the Effects of Toxic Fatherhood
David Haydon
Toward a Volupology of Literary Fiction
C. Connor Syrewicz
Pedagogy Panel
Creative Writing and the Cultural Moment
Teaching Responsiveness in Creative Writing
Janelle Adsit
Responding to Creative Writing
Graeme Harper
On Writing in Two Languages in the Creative Writing Workshop: Exploring Diverse and Inclusive Workshop Models and Pedagogies
Caleb González
Creative Writing and Non-traditional Applications
Meaningful Machines: Exploring Creative Programming for Creative Writing
Lillian-Yvonne Bertram
Beyond the Classroom: Translating Creative Writing Skills for “Real World” Contexts
Alyse Bensel and Kristin Coffey
Curriculum and Program Design
a Practice of Freedom: modestly rendered in curriculum
Rachel Haley Himmelheber and Gary Hawkins
A brief history of the development of Chinese creative writing (2009-2020): Paths and issues
Liu Weidong
Bridging a Divide or Dividing a Bridge?: Style, Disciplinarity, and Creative Writing Studies
Jon Udelson
Feedback and Students
Revisiting the Challenge: Rethinking Creative Writing Ten Years on
Stephanie Vanderslice
Students Ask Questions
Students Ask Questions (Prep for Live Workshop)
Lania Knight
Visual Art and Creative Writing Together
Bridging the Brick Divide: Graphic Design and Writing Collaboration in Undergraduate Student Magazine Production
Kelly Ferguson and Meri Page
Intersecting Visual Art and Text: Creative-Critical, Transgenre Approaches and Identities in Writing and Teaching
Kristin LaFollette and Jonathan Brownlee