"Chinese creative writing" by Liu Weidong


Creative writing has experienced over ten years’ development from 2009 to 2020. More than one hundred Chinese universities represented by Shanghai University, Fudan University and Zhongshan University offer creative writing courses. Nowadays, there are tens of creative writing programs in China, and Shanghai University started the nation’s first doctoral program in 2015.

The development of creative writing in China has experienced three stages: The focus of the first stages was examining the experience of English-speaking countries with a handful of creative writing programs established. In the second stage, the pedagogy and the meta-theoretical of creative writing became the most concerned topics. In the third stage, an increasing number of universities started to offer creative writing courses or programs, then pattern diversification emerged. However, there is no clear boundaries between three stages mentioned above with the fact that they are interrelated.

There is a strong connection between the development of creative writing in China and the tracks “History” of this conference. The history of discipline is critical one of our concerns. We try to place our experience into the whole development history of creative writing to have a better understanding of why we emerged this way and what challenges we need to overcome in the future.

weidong liu a brief history 2.MP4 (302130 kB)
Conference presentation video
