"Water Trembles: Alternative Experiences of Poetry" by Su Hyun Nam

Document Type

Research Abstract


Water Trembles is a poetry game, which will be published along with the forthcoming poetry book, Fast Fire (Carnegie Mellon University Press). This project is developed by the Burnt Orange Game Lab at Syracuse University, led by Su Hyun Nam, Rainie Oet, and Regan Henley, in collaboration with students in the Computer Art and Animation program. In the game, the main character Gertie, who has locked themself in their room after their mother died, solves puzzles by collecting poems about memories of their mother. By progressing the game, Gertie completes the poetry book and also takes themself out to the world ending their isolation. In the process of solving puzzles, the main character encounters illusions and imagined beings in their room – such as a gecko tail key, roly-poly bugs in the closet, and storks in the bathroom. As a
