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Documents from 2014
PPt of Proposed Policy E23.0 (11-20-2014), Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of November 20, 2014, Academic Senate
Imagine RIT AY2014 PPt Presentation (11-6-2014), Barry Culhane and Heather Cottone
Proposed Revisions to E5.0 and also E6.0 - PPt (11-6-2014), Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of November 6, 2014, Academic Senate
MSCHE: Re-Accreditation Process - Update (PPt for 11-6-2014), Christine Licata
Proposed Revisions to Policy E5.0 from FAC (11-6-2014), Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of October 30, 2014, Academic Senate
Proposed Policy E6.0 (PPt, Clean Copy, Copy with Track Changes for 10/30/2014), Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of October 23, 2014, Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of October 16 2014, Academic Senate
Ppt - Proposed Policy E5.0 (edits by FAC with a motion for 10/16/2014), Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of October 2, 2014, Academic Senate
Proposed Policy E6.0 (Policy on Faculty Rank and Promotion) Presented 10/2/2014, Faculty Affairs Committee
Policy E5.0 (Policy on Tenure) - PPt Presentation of Revisions by FAC for 10/2/2014, Faculty Affairs Committee
Standing Committee Charges for AY2014 - Approved by Academic Senate on 9/18/2014, Executive Committee of the Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of September 18, 2014, Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of May 22, 2014, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of September 4, 2014, Academic Senate
Nominations Committee Final Report AY2013-14, Eileen Feeney Bushnell
IETC Final Report AY2013-14, Rob Garrick
Faculty Affairs Committee - Final Report AY2013-14, Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of May 15 2014, RIT Academic Senate
General Education Committee (GEC) Final Report AY2013-14, Jeffrey Wagner
Graduate Council Final Report AY2013-14, Graduate Council
Institute Writing Committee (IWC) Final Report AY2013-14, Richard Zanibbi
LRPC Final Report AY2013-14, Daniel Johnson
Student Affairs Committee (SAC) Final Report AY2013-14, Carol Filip and Ruben Proano
Academic Senate Minutes of May 1 2014, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of May 8 2014, RIT Academic Senate
PPt - Advanced Certificate in Communication and Digital Media (5-22-2014), Graduate Council
RABC Final Report to the Academic Senate & Recommendations to the President, Jeffrey Lasky
CEC PPt Presentation (Final Presentation for AY2013-14), Christy Tyler and Rebecca Greenwood
Academic Support Committee - Final Report AY2013-14, Sandra Connelly
Campus Environment Committee (CEC) - Final Report for AY2013-14, Christy Tyler and Lisa Greenwood
Proposed BS Degree in Applied Technical Leadership Full Proposal, Exec Summary and PPt (will present to AS 5-15-2014), Mary Beth Parker
Academic Affairs Committee - Final Report for AY2013-14 (5-8-2014) PPt (Includes Honors Program Update), Joyce Hertzson
ICC's Final Report AY2013 (5-8-2014), Mary Beth Parker
Academic Senate Minutes of April 24 2014, RIT Academic Senate
PPt of the Proposed MS in Accounting Program (for Conversion) and Proposal Documents (Approved 5-8-2014), Graduate Council
E10.0 PPt for May 1 2014, Faculty Affairs Committee
Implementation of SmartEvals Report and PPt Presentation (May 1, 2014 AS Meeting), Tracy Worrell
Academic Senate Minutes of April 3, 2014, RIT Academic Senate
Grad Council's PPt Presentation of Proposed Policies (Grad Level Courses - D3 and D12) and Good Academic Standing Proposal D5.1 IIB, Graduate Council
PPt Presentation of D9.0 (Undergraduate Advising Policy) - Revisions (April 24, 2014), Carol DeFilippo
Plan to Address Shortage of Writing Intensive, Gen Ed (WI-GE) Course Seats PPt and Letter responding to this (4/24/2014), Richard Zanibbi and David Martins
Report on +/- Refined Grading System and Grade Standards Within Current Policies (PPt - 4-24-2014), Linda Tolan
PPt of Revised Policy E7.0 and Revised Policy E10.0 (4/17/2014), Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of April 17 2014, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of March 20 2014, RIT Academic Senate
GETF Report (4/3/2014), Jim Myers and Zack Butler
International Education Task Force Report (PPt) and Document of Statement and Principles (April 3 2014), Zack Butler
Policy E7.0 (PPt Presentation and Revised Proposal) 4/3/2014, Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of March 6, 2014, RIT Academic Senate
Policy E7.0 Proposed Revisions (Annual Review and Development of Faculty) PPt Presentation (3/6/2014), Faculty Affairs Committee
PPt Policy Proposal: Comprehensive Graduate Exam Outcome Reporting (3/20/2014), Graduate Council
PPt Presentation - Proposed MS in Computational Finance (3/20/2014), Graduate Council
Academic Senate Minutes of March 14, 2013, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of February 27, 2014, RIT Academic Senate
Policy E7.0 (Revisions - PPt Presentation, Marked up Document, Clean copy of revisions) 3/20/2014, Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of February 20, 2014, RIT Academic Senate
Policy E5.0 (Tenure Policies) reflecting approved Motions 1-10 (2/27/2014), Faculty Affairs Committee
Revised Policy D10.0 (Eligibility for Participation in RIT Athletics) 2/27/2014, Tracy Worrell
E5.0 PPt - Recap & Motions 7-10 and 4A (2/20/2014), Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of February 13 2014, RIT Academic Senate
PPt - Proposed Policy E5.0 - Recap and Motion 7 (2/6/2014), Faculty Affairs Committee
Proposed CIAS Advanced Online Certificate - User Experience Design and Development (PPt) - 2/6/2014, Graduate Council
Academic Senate Minutes of February 6, 2014, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of December 19, 2013, RIT Academic Senate
Proposed Policy E5.0 for the 2/6/2014 AS meeting, Faculty Affairs Committee
Graduate Grade Policy Proposals (R/U/I and S/U/I) PPt and Proposals (2/6/2014), Graduate Council
Documents from 2013
Academic Senate Minutes of December 12, 2013, RIT Academic Senate
PPt of the Proposed Advanced On-Line Certificate - User Experience Design and Development from CIAS (Yet to be approved by Academic Senate), Graduate Council
Proposed Policy E5.0 (Updated for the 12/19/2013 AS Meeting), Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of December 5, 2013, RIT Academic Senate
Proposed Policy E5.0 - slides from 12-12-2013 AS meeting (PPt), RIT Academic Senate
Diversity and Inclusion Ad Hoc Task Force - Report and PPt Presentation, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of November 21, 2013, RIT Academic Senate
Proposed AAS NTID Program - Civil Engineering Technology (Proposal and PPt - 12/05/2013), Mary Beth Parker
Revised Policy D10.0 (Eligibility for Participation in RIT Athletics) - Proposal 12/05/0213, Tracy Worrell
Academic Senate Minutes of November 14, 2013, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of October 31, 2013, RIT Academic Senate
General Education Committee Update - AS PPt Presentation for 11/14/2013, Jeffrey Wagner and Elizabeth Hane
IWC Recommendation (PPt Presentation on 11-14-2013 and document), Richard Zanibbi
Academic Senate Minutes of October 17, 2013, RIT Academic Senate
Better Me Wellness Checks (Ppt Presentation), Michael Stojkovic
Proposed E5.0 Ppt - Proposed Motions and Revisions (October 17, 2013), Faculty Affairs Committee
Final Approved Standing Committee Charges for AY2013, Executive Committee of the Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of October 3, 2013, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of September 19, 2013, RIT Academic Senate
Proposed SC Charges for AY2013 for RABC & SAC [Discussion and Vote on 9/19/2013], Executive Committee of the Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of September 5, 2013, RIT Academic Senate
Proposed Policy E5.0, Current E5.0 and PPt Presented to AS 9/19/2013, Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved SC Charges (RABC & SAC will be before senate on 9/19/2013 for vote), Executive Committee of the Academic Senate and Michael Laver
AS Minutes of May 16, 2013, RIT Academic Senate
Standing Committee Charges for AY2013 (Proposed Document to be approved), Executive Committee of the Academic Senate and Michael Laver
Innovative Teaching Follow-Up, Tom Reichlmayr
IECT Final Report - AY2012-13, Tom Reichlmayr
IETC Newsletter (Fall 2012), Tom Reichlmayr
IETC Newsletter - Teaching Practices (December 2012), Tom Reichlmayr