- Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
- Faculty Senate Committee Reports
- Faculty Senate Documents
- Faculty Senate Agendas
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Documents from 2019
Academic Support & Student Affairs Committee Final Report 5-2-2019, Elizabeth Ruder and Robert Moakley
Academic Senate Minutes of April 11, 2019, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of April 4, 2019, RIT Academic Senate
AAC Motions (PPt and Policies C22.0 and D11.0) Approved April 18, ,2019, Joseph Lanzafame
MS in Global Supply Chain Management (Presentation 4-18-2019), Graduate Council
Research & Scholarship Committee Report (PPt and documents) 4-18-2019, Brian Landi
Academic Senate Minutes of March 28, 2019, RIT Academic Senate
Graduate Council (Charges 1 and 4 regarding D12 and D02) PPt and documents, Graduate Council
IWC Status Report - Graduate Writing Charges (4-4-2019), Steven Day and Andrea Hickerson
Proposed B02.0 Revisions: PPt and Policy B02.0 with track changes (4-4-2019), Jayanti Venkataraman
RSC Final Report AY2018-19, Brian Landi
Academic Senate Minutes of March 21, 2019, RIT Academic Senate
General Education Committee Ppt and Proposed D01.4 - 3-28-2019, Kristen Waterstram-Rich
Program Discontinuance Policy & PPt from ICC (Approved 3/28/2019), Sylvia Perez-Hardy
RABC Resolution - Approved 3/28/2019, Steven Boedo
AAC Motions (PPt and Policies C22.0 and D11.0), Joseph Lanzafame
Future of Faculty Ad Hoc Committee - Interim Report (Draft) and PPt (4-4-2019), Richard Zanibbi and Chris Collison
GEC - Proposed D01.4 - 4-4-2019 Approved, Kristen Waterstram-Rich
Policy D02.0 - Approved 4-18-2019, Graduate Council
Proposed E20.0 from FAC (Document and PPt) 3-28-2019, Faculty Affairs Committee
SRATE Evaluations Research Taskforce PPt (3-28-2019), Joe Lanzafame and Maureen Valentine
Academic Senate Minutes of February 21, 2019, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of March 7, 2019, RIT Academic Senate
LRP&EC Parking Report (3-21-2019), DT Ogilvie
Proposal - Program Discontinuance Policy (Memo, Current E20.0, Revised E20.0, D01.6 (track changes, D01.6 (clean) 3-21-2019, Sylvia Perez-Hardy
Proposed Revisions to E05.0 - FAC (3-21-2019), Faculty Affairs Committee
Resource Allocation & Budget Committee (RABC) - 50% Salary Resolution (3-21-2019), DT Oglivie
Nominations Committee Report (3-7-2019), Chris Collins
Academic Support & Student Affairs Committee Report -Charges 1 & 2 (3-7-2019), Elizabeth Ruder and Robert Moakley
Policy E05.0 - Proposed Revisions (PPt and Policy) 3-7-2019, Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of February 14, 2019, RIT Academic Senate
E6.0 Proposed Revisions - PPt & Policy (FAC- 2-21-2019), Faculty Affairs Committee
Minors Policy D01.1 Revisions - Sec. 2 Paragraph C (PPt & Policy with Track Changes) 2-21-2019, Sylvia Perez-Hardy
Policy E5.0 - Revisions from FAC (PPt and Policy - 2-21-2019), Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of February 7, 2019, RIT Academic Senate
FAC Documents for Revisions to E08.0 (PPt and Policy with track changes) 2-14-2019, Faculty Affairs Committee
FAC - PPt and Policy with track changes of E23.0 (2-14-2019), Faculty Affairs Committee
PPt - RSC Charge #3 - Identify best practices for hiring research-intensive faculty (Modifying E08.0) 2-14-2019, Brian Landi
GETF proposal and PPt (2-21-2019), Zack Butler
Academic Senate Minutes of January 24, 2019, RIT Academic Senate
Graduate Council - Charge #5 (PPt and Policy with track changes) 2-14-2019, Graduate Council
Ad Hoc Summit Committee Report PPt (2-7-2019), Eileen Feeney Bushnell, Eileen Shahmohamad, and Tracy Worrell
FAC - Proposed Revisions to E08.0 (2-7-2019), Faculty Affairs Committee
Graduate Council - Charges 1, 3 and 5 (PPt and Documents) 2-7-2019, Graduate Council
AAC Charge - Withdrawal Policy Revisions Approved - 01-24-2019, Belinda Bryce and Lynne Mazadoorian
Academic Senate Minutes of December 13, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
ICC Proposal - Revisions to Minors Policy D01.1 (PPt, Memo and Policy), Sylvia Perez-Hardy
Documents from 2018
Academic Senate Minutes of November 29, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
AAC Charge - Withdrawal Policy Revisions (PPt and Documents) 12-13-2018, Belinda Bryce and Lynne Mazadoorian
AAC Charge Regarding Policy D12.0 - PPt and final approved as amended portion from D12.0, Joseph Lanzafame
Academic Senate Minutes of November 15, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
RIT Henrietta Campus Event Parking Policy (11-29-2018), Kate Mason
Academic Senate Minutes of November 1, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
E17.0 PPt - FAC's Proposed Revisions (11-15-2018), Faculty Affairs Committee
PPt to E08.0 (Revisions proposed by FAC) 11-15-2018, Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of October 18, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
Approved New Charge for FAC (11-1-2018), Faculty Affairs Committee
Academic Senate Minutes of October 4, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of September 20, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
Future of Faculty PPt and Charge as amended (10-04-2018), Chris Collison
SRATE PPt (Approved Motion included) 10-04-2018, Heidi Nickisher
Standing Committee Charges AY2018, Executive Committee of the Academic Senate
Brick City Homecoming Update (10-04-2018), Lynn Rowoth
Research & Scholarship PPt - Charge #3 (Revision to Policy E08.0), Brian Landi
Standing Committee Charges Approved thus far- Note: RABC & RSC charges yet to be voted on 10/4/2018, Executive Committee of the Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of September 6, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
Standing Committee Charges - Only ASEC & AAC charges approved on 9-6-2018, Executive Committee of the Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of May 10, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Accomplishments AY2017-18, Chris Collison
Approved SC Charges for AY2017 - Fall AY2017, Executive Committee of the Academic Senate
GEC Final Report AY2017-18, William Middleton
ICC Final Report for AY2017-18, Sylvia Perez-Hardy
AS/SAC AY2017 Final Report, Elizabeth Ruder and Robert Moakley
FAC AY2017 Final Report, Faculty Affairs Committee
GETF AY2017 Final Report, Zack Butler
IWC AY2017 Final Report, Yossi Nygate and Andrea Hickerson
AS Executive Committee Report (5/10/2018), Chris Collison
Graduate Council - Final Report AY2017-18 (PPt) 5-10-2018, Graduate Council
Long Range Planning & Environment Committee Final Report AY2017, DT Ogilvie
Academic Senate Minutes of May 3, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes of April 19, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
AS Executive Committee Report (5/3/2018), Chris Collison
Resource Allocation & Budget (RABC) Final Report AY2017-18 (May 3, 2018), Stephen Zilora
AAC Final Report AY2017-18, Joseph Lanzafame
GEC Final Report AY2018-19, Sarah Thompson and Kristen Waterstram-Rich
Bachelor of Architecture Degree Program - Full Proposal (05-03-2018), Dennis Andrejko
Proposed Revisions to D08.0, D17.0 and D18.0 and PPt (Approved 5-3-2018), Elizabeth Ruder and Robert Moakley
IWC Ppt Presentation for AY2017-18 (4-19-2018), David Martins
Academic Senate Minutes of April 12, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
AS Executive Committee Report (4/12/2018), Chris Collison
Academic Support & Student Affairs Committee - Proposed Revisions for D05.8, Elizabeth Ruder and Robert Moakley
ASEC reports for Spring 2018 4-12-2018, Chris Collison and Jules Chiavaroli
Academic Senate Minutes of April 5, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
Advanced Certificate in Technology Entrepreneurship (GC Letter, Full Proposal, Executive Summary) Approved 4-19-2018, Graduate Council
Academic Senate Minutes of March 29, 2018, RIT Academic Senate
GEC Interim Report for AY 2017 and PPt (and supporting documents) 4-05-2018, William Middleton
GETF Report (PPT) - Includes amended approved motion 4-5-2018, Zack Butler
ICC Report (PPt - 4-5-2018), Sylvia Perez-Hardy
PPt - E09.0, E22.0 and At Large Motion from FAC (3-29-2018), Faculty Affairs Committee