To date, there have been efforts towards creating better health information access for Deaf American Sign Language (ASL) users. However, the usability of websites with access to health information in ASL has not been evaluated. Our paper focuses on the usability of four health websites that include ASL videos. We seek to obtain ASL users’ perspectives on the navigation of these ASL-accessible websites, finding the health information that they needed, and perceived ease of understanding ASL video content.
ASL users (N=32) were instructed to find specific information on four ASL-accessible websites, and answered questions related to: 1) navigation to find the task, 2) website usability, and 3) ease of understanding ASL video content for each of the four websites. Participants also gave feedback on what they would like to see in an ASL health library website, including the benefit of added captioning and/or signer model to medical illustration of health videos.
Participants who had lower health literacy had greater difficulty in finding information on ASL-accessible health websites. This paper also describes the participants’ preferences for an ideal ASL-accessible health website, and concludes with a discussion on the role of accessible websites in promoting health literacy in ASL users.
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The Wallace Center
Recommended Citation
Kushalnagar, P., Naturale, J., Paludneviciene, R., Smith, S. R., Werfel, E., Doolittle, R., … DeCaro, J. (2015). Health websites: accessibility and usability for American sign language users. Health communication, 30(8), 830–837. doi:10.1080/10410236.2013.853226
RIT – Main Campus
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Health Communication on June 5, 2014, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/10410236.2013.853226