
Gottlieb presents an early case study of his mobile augmented reality game Jewish Time Jump: New York design on the ARIS platform for the iPhone and iPad (iOS). The game is set on-location in Washington Square Park in New York city. Players in 5th-7th grade take on the role of time-traveling reporters, landing on site on the eve of the Uprising of 20,000, the largest women-led strike in U.S. History. Based on their GPS location they receive media from over 100 years in the past, interactive with digital characters as they work to gather a story for the fictional Jewish Time Jump Gazette. They encounter primary source material, discovery a variety of perspectives from labor leaders, factory owners, striking workers, journalists and others. The game explores immigrant history, women's history, Jewish history, and labor history.

Publication Date

Fall 10-22-2014

Document Type

Book Chapter

Department, Program, or Center

School of Interactive Games and Media (GCCIS)


RIT – Main Campus
