
Brown, Richard; Hunt, Elizabeth; Emerick, Allen Van; Anderson, J. D.; Bennett, Jack; Dodson, Dorothy; Grove, Samuel; Hall, Irving; Hilton, Geraldine; Hooker, James G.; Littlejohn, Barbara; Lomb, Carl F.; Payne, Margy Lou; Penci, Esther; Randall, John A.; Shaughnessy, Helen; Thum, Bernice; Yoffee, Herman; Zardne, Frederick; Wyne, Adrian Von; Mackowski, Virginia; White, Mildred


Help It Grow; Advocates Formation of Chemistry Club; Art League to Stage Ball on October 26th; Best Wishes From Carl F. Lomb; Co-operation Needed by the Student Council; Delta Omicron Sorority Entertained Freshmen; Eight Members of 1927 Squad Returns to M. I.; Electrical Students Plan Movie Meeting; Few Furious Females; First Year Record of M. I. Matmen Good; Fraternities and Sororities Begin Their Social Season; Glee Club is Planning an Active Season; Golf; Hiking; In Student Forum; Industrial Art Students to Hold First Meeting; Kaeli Will Head Architect's Group; Letter Men to Found M Club to Aid Sports; Matmen Start Training; Tough Schedule Arranged; Mechanics Institute Girls to Hold Banquet at Sagamore; Mechanics Not to be Member of New League; New Equipment Ordered; Officers In Favor of a New Project; Over Eight Hundred In Day Courses; Phi Sigma Phi Opens Activities with Dance; Phi Upsilon Phi; Psimar Staff Obtains Permanent Headquarters; Student Forum; Student Paper Needs Aid of School Talent; Students to be Active in Assemblies; Swimming; The Poison Bathrobe or Mrs. Crapshoots Decision; To Broaden Human Insight; Two Mechanical Institute Men at Olympic Trials; Women Urged to Engage in Girls' Activities Association Program

Date of Original


Date of Digitization

October 2016





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Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to the RIT Digital Institutional Repository in June, 2024; Some links embedded into the PDF may not work
