Other Title

Reporter; Reporter Magazine


Student Editor and Publisher, Clint Denman. Managing Editor, Robert C. Sullivan Photo Editor, Ned Austin. Associate Sports Editor, Dick Sperlich and Henry Westphalen. Advertising Manager, Jack Heers. Circulation, Harry Richards Production Superintendent, Arthur Kuchta; Assistant, Ben Marcus.


Student Council Elects Schuckman; New Members Charged with Duties (p. 1); Stumpf Outlines Council Action (p. 1); Convo Speaker Spurs Grads To Free, Industrious Career (p. 1); Seven Arts Ball Debut Tonight (p. 1); Down the Home Stretch (p. 2); Worth the Effort (p. 2); Hoppe Named Director for New RIT Driver Training Program (p. 3); SAC Exhibit Wins At Finger Lakes (p. 3); PT Photographs id Fund Drive (p. 3); Societies, Organizations Elect Officer Slates for Coming Year (p. 4); T-U Editor -Addresses Athletes (p. 4); Fencing Team Sees Second Good Year (p. 4); Intramural Softball Loop Underway, Title Game Set (p. 4); Alum Awards Highlight Annual Homecoming (p. 5); Faculty Members Elected to Posts (p. 5); Belknap Heads Student Union (p. 5); Printers' Group Elects Officers (p. 5); New Photo Emulsion Revealed (p. 5); Gannett Lauds Institute Research (p. 6); Gannett Award by Institute Craftsmen (p. 6); Wiltsie Award Winners Named (p. 6); Promising Future (p. 6); For Choral Group (p. 6); For Choral Group (p. 6); AA Student Work Will be Displayed (p. 6); Grads Represent Many States; Majority Hail from New York (p. 7); SAC Students Respond To Spring Travel Urge (p. 7); P&P Seniors Study Todd Printing Methods (p. 7); Student Art Exhibit Now on Display (p. 7); Phi Gam Picnic, Elect Officers (p. 7); 200 Guests, Grads Attend Convo Tea (p. 7); SS Requires New College Student Certificate (p. 8); Recent Bride Returns (p. 8); Urge Students to "Read, Think, Vote!" (p. 8)

Date of Original


Date of Digitization

May 2007





Broad Type


Specific Type


Original Item Location


Specific Collection

Reporter Magazine


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to the RIT Digital Institutional Repository in June, 2024; Some links embedded into the PDF may not work
