Other Title

Reporter; Reporter Magazine


Editor, Warren Bills Associate Editor, Brantley Weathers Associate Editor, Donald Callahan Photo Editors, Dick Austin, Dean Zeeb Mechanical Superintendent, Bill Eldridge; Assistant, Donald Frank Campus Editor, William Rummel Feature Editor, Jerry Podolsky Circulation, Val Johnson


Seniors Cited at Convocation May 16Mees Addresses Grads; Discusses Technology (p. 1); Student Group Elects Bernard Boston To Head Council Slate for 1953-54 (p. 1); Will Study Costs (p. 1); Intersorority Dance Closes Social Card (p. 1); Printing Department Intensifies Program (p. 1); Awards Set for June 5 (p. 1); Dr. Mark Ellingson Speaks on Expansion Program (p. 1); Ryerson Assisted (p. 1); Editorial (p. 2); Tech Speaks (p. 2); Parade of Opinion (p. 2); Letters to the Editor (p. 2); Cayley’s Corner (p. 2); RIT Timetable (p. 2); Art Students Win Many Awards; Wildenhain, Lohmeier Tops (p. 3); Wade Serves in Korea (p. 3); Journalism Class Begins Next Fall (p. 3); News Spots of the Week (p. 4); Lettermens Club Will Hold Third Annual Banquet (p. 4); Tech Nine Drops First Four Games; Lack of Seasoning Hampers Progress (p. 4); Netmen Drop Three Matches (p. 4); Brockport Out-Hits RIT In Frosh Nine Opener (p. 4); Scott Names Kate Gleason Committee Chairmen (p. 6); CAMPUS GREEK TALK (p. 6); Craft Club Elects (p. 6); Class Started; Drivers Called (p. 7); Enters Navy (p. 7; Council to Feast (p. 7); Biehler Discusses History of Firearms Development (p. 8); Warde to Speak (p. 8)

Date of Original


Date of Digitization

May 2007





Broad Type


Specific Type


Original Item Location


Specific Collection

Reporter Magazine


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to the RIT Digital Institutional Repository in June, 2024; Some links embedded into the PDF may not work
