Other Title

Reporter; Reporter Magazine


Lloyd, Burroughs Election Victors (p. 1); Council Overrules Motion Allowing Write-in Ballots Halting 'Third Party' Vote (p. 1); Lloyd Chosen by 530 Votes; Burroughs Receives 466 Votes (p. 1); An Editorial: Election Victory only the Start (p. 1); Institute Display Sent To Graphic Arts Show (p. 1); RIT’s Programs Unique Educational Operation (p. 1); Information Available (p. 1); Editorial: Through Achievement, A Contribution (p. 2); The Invitation Was Appreciated! (p. 2); Culver, Rhodes Direct Three-Phase Printing Program at Institute (p. 2); Honorary Fraternity To Hold Convention At Exposition (p. 2); Speaking of Facts and Figures… (p. 2); Reunion Scheduled For RIT Printing Alumni (p. 2); Steady Growth Develops Institute As Leader in Technical Education (p. 3); RIT Offers Ten Programs (p. 3); Many Activities Available (p. 3); Research, Information, Technical Education (p. 4); RIT Printing Program One of World’s Finest (p. 6); Special Summer Courses Offered (p. 6); Two Degree Programs Stress Technology, Administration (p. 6); ‘Reporter’ Given First Place Award In Recent Rating (p. 6); Foreign Students Attend Institute (p. 6); College Grad Plan Set (p. 6); RIT Promotes Graphic Arts Research Program (p. 7); Letterpress Conversion To Offset Developed By Relief Plate Lab (p. 7); New Uses For Color Tested; ‘Reporter’ Aids In Project (p. 7); Information Service Aids World’s Printing Industry (p. 7); Color Reproduction Methods Being Studied (p. 7)

Date of Original


Date of Digitization

August 2007





Broad Type


Specific Type


Original Item Location


Specific Collection

Reporter Magazine


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to the RIT Digital Institutional Repository in June, 2024; Some links embedded into the PDF may not work
