Other Title

RIT Reporter; Reporter Magazine


Editor-in-chief, mary Alice Bahler. Managing Editor, Leslie Greenberg. Associate Editor, Janet Murray. News Editor, Mel Gross. Campus Editor, John Taylor. Sports Editor, John Spear. Alumni Editor, Yvone Stinson. Photo Editor, Jon Conboy. Color Editor, Wes Kemp. Art Director, Morris Kirchoff. Copy Editor, Artie Smith. Co-Business Manager, Gene DePrez. Co-Mechanicla Superintendents, Dick Ferris and Frank Sartoris. Circulation Manager, David Wurtenberg.


Plans Announced For Alumni Fund Campaign (p.1); Prof. Gutfrucht Dies; RIT Faculty Member For Fourteen Years (p.1); Dr. Tyler to Address Leadership Conference (p.1); Reporter Soliciting Staff Members (p.1); Council Discusses Spring Weekend (p.1); Rec Room Closed; New Site Planned (p.1); RIT Must Face Prospect of Move (p.1); Editorial: Greeks Urged To Take Mature Attitude (p. 2); Maybe Kefauver Will Be Next (p.2); Pros and Cons of Moving Viewed (p.2); Letters to Editor Discuss Assemblies and Techmila (p.2); Greek Talk (p.3); Landscaping Show at Bevier Gallery (p.3); GET, Pi Club Sponsor Printing Week Banquet (p.3); Dear Aggie (p.3); Demand for New Program Increases (p.3); Movies at Dorm (p.3); Graduate Study Data at Counseling Center (p.3); Men's Dormitory to Get Darkroom (p.3); Control Workshop Set For February (p.3); “No Man’s Land” (p.4); Hassenplug Named Director of Alumni Relations Office (p.6); Alumni Urged to Help Support This Year's Campaign for Funds (p.6); Keeping Up With Institute Alumni (p.6); Matmen Edge Waynesburg 14-13 for Fourth Straight Victory (p.7); Swordsmen Nip Syracuse on Strength of Foilmen (p.7); Plattsburg Five Whips RIT, 96-83 (p.7); Electrical V Captures Volleyball Crown (p.7); Wrestlers Finish Third in Tourney; Huffman Stars (p.7); Tigers Remain First in Bowling League (p.7); Indiana Wins Tech Tourney in Runaway (p.7); Sports Timetable (p.7); Rochester Civic Orchestra (p.8); Timetable (p. 8)

Date of Original


Date of Digitization

September 2007





Broad Type


Specific Type


Original Item Location


Specific Collection

Reporter Magazine


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to the RIT Digital Institutional Repository in June, 2024; Some links embedded into the PDF may not work
