
“Scent of Geranium” is an animated graduate thesis film, with a runtime of 4 minutes and 41 seconds. This film is a completion of an unfinished project from 2011, the year that I immigrated to the United States of America, called “The Whole World Is Watching”. Scent of Geranium is an autobiography about the challenges, fears, unexpected events and adaptation process that I experienced after my immigration. This film captures a series of memories and events that were significant to me and that have affected me in a certain way.

This film is a full color, hand-drawn animation that was produced with combination of digital and traditional techniques. The backgrounds were painted with ink and brush on paper and combined with digital painting techniques in Photoshop. The animation was done in Photoshop, After Effects and TVPaint Animation Software. The narration, music and Foley sound for this film has been designed, composed and performed very elaborately to convey a strong emotional message.

This paper outlines the whole pre-production and production process of this film. It also covers the challenges, failures and successes that I faced in the duration of project.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Computer animation--Themes, motives; Computer animation--Technique; Animated films--Themes, motives; Animation (Cinematography); Emigration and immigration--Drama; Iranian American women--Drama

Publication Date


Document Type


Student Type


Degree Name

Imaging Arts (MFA)

Department, Program, or Center

School of Film and Animation (CIAS)


Brian Larson

Advisor/Committee Member

Skip Battaglia

Advisor/Committee Member

Peter Murphey


Physical copy available from RIT's Wallace Library at TR897.7 .F37 2016


RIT – Main Campus
