
Qi LiuFollow


The proportion of elderly people in the developed world is rapidly increasing. The book When I'm 64: how boomers will change health care mentioned that Older adults are among the fastest growing age groups, and the first “baby boomers” (adults born between 1946 and 1964) will turn 65 in 2011. More than 37 million people in this group (60 percent) will manage more than 1 chronic condition by 2030. The number of elderly and the retired population is on the rise and they represent a more selective consumer group that is more highly educated and financially secure than past generations and have a more active role in the society.

The process of aging brings many physiological and psychological changes that influence the functioning of older people and their interaction with the environment. Real aging is stated by the body’s loss of reserve or ability to maintain its balance. There is a well-know riddle:” What goes on four legs in the morning, on two at noon, and on three in the evening?” The answer is: “a human being”. When a human is in old age, he/she often needs “a third leg” such as a walking cane to assist in walking.

It’s really a sad fact that people’s muscles shrink as they grow older. Elderly people often have trouble with balance, coordination and daily activities of living due to loss in leg strength. They usually need a seat while standing or walking for a long time. A cane is a tool that many older people would use every day and everywhere. I think it’s a good design idea to combine “seat” and “cane” together. The sitting cane design for the elderly should differ from those ordinary people options. General life satisfaction and even the health of older people may be related to design. I hope my design has the potential to improve the quality of life for older people, and I also hope that it can help them to maintain independent lifestyles and increase their ability to participate fully in society.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Staffs (Sticks, canes, etc.)--Design; Seating (Furniture)--Design

Publication Date


Document Type


Student Type


Degree Name

Industrial Design (MFA)

Department, Program, or Center

School of Design (CIAS)


Stan Rickel

Advisor/Committee Member

Alex Lobos

Advisor/Committee Member

Dan Harel


Physical copy available from RIT's Wallace Library at GT2220 .L48 2016


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