Mookkoori is a 20-minute narrative film written and directed by Myungsuk Kim. The film was completed and shown in May 2014 at the RIT School of Film and Animation's Spring Screenings. The film's main character is Bora, who is the teenage daughter of a shaman in Korea. She is betrayed by Sunhee, her only friend in high school and she is being bullied and threatened by a gang. Bora's mother, who reveals herself to be quack shaman, blames Bora for getting involved in fighting. Fearing for her future, Bora reads her fortune at a shrine and sees three different ways to react to the bullies, each path has a different conclusion. All of the paths lead to someone dying. Mookkoori reveals how Bora deals with the betrayal of her only friend, and how she reacts to a gang of bullies. In the film Bora discovers she has a gift of seeing the future and she decides to take control of her destiny. This paper discusses the intention and original concept of the film, as well as the processes for producing the film from pre-production to post production.
Publication Date
Document Type
Student Type
Degree Name
Film and Animation (MFA)
Department, Program, or Center
School of Film and Animation (CIAS)
Cathleen Ashworth
Advisor/Committee Member
Peter Kiwitt
Recommended Citation
Kim, Myungsuk, "MOOKKOORI" (2014). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
RIT – Main Campus
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