The foundation of semiconductor industry has historically been driven by scaling. Device size reduction is enabled by increased pattern density, enhancing functionality and effectively reducing cost per chip. Aggressive reductions in memory cell size have resulted in systems with diminishing area between parallel bit/word lines. This affords an even greater challenge in the patterning of contact level features that are inherently difficult to resolve because of their relatively small area, a product of their two domain critical dimension image. To accommodate these trends there has been a shift toward the implementation of elliptical contact features. This empowers designers to maximize the use of free space between bit/word lines and gate stacks while preserving contact area; effectively reducing the minor via axis dimension while maintaining a patternable threshold in increasingly dense circuitry. It is therefore critical to provide methods that enhance the resolving capacity of varying aspect ratio vias for implementation in electronic design systems. This work separately investigates two unique, non-traditional lithographic techniques in the integration of an optical vortex mask as well as a polymer assembly system as means to augment ellipticity while facilitating contact feature scaling. This document affords a fundamental overview of imaging theory, details previous literature as to the technological trends enabling the resolving of contact features and demonstrates simulated & empirical evidence that the described methods have great potential to extend the resolution of variable aspect ratio vias using lithographic technologies.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Nanolithography; Semiconductors--Design and construction; Vortex-motion; Quantum optics
Publication Date
Document Type
Student Type
Degree Name
Microelectronic Engineering (MS)
Department, Program, or Center
Microelectronic Engineering (KGCOE)
Bruce W. Smith
Advisor/Committee Member
Dale E. Ewbank
Advisor/Committee Member
Grover A. Swartzlander
Recommended Citation
Schepis, Anthony R., "Alternative Lithographic Methods for Variable Aspect Ratio Vias" (2014). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
RIT – Main Campus
Plan Codes
Physical copy available from RIT's Wallace Library at TK7874.843 .S34 2014