This documentation will describe a journey of abstract art in glass. The process of each of the steps and the aesthetic concerns therein will be narrated in the following interpretation. The purpose of the MFA thesis is to investigate both artificial, negative and positive space and to exemplify metaphysical energy in glass sculpture. My aes thetic intention for the sculpture is to create dynamic, active, and energetic move ment in geometric forms which are symbolic of living creatures. This will be done by employing graphic images of centuries old Korean geometrical patterns. Historical research has allowed me to push traditional representations in my sculpture a step further. The objective of my 'Space Series' is to transform 2-D graphic images into 3-D glass sculpture. The laminated glass has explicit potential for creating optical illusion. The main issues to be investigated include, creating artificial space in both exterior and interior forms and the balance of metaphysical forms that are created from that space.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Glass sculpture--Themes, motives; Art, Abstract; Repetitive patterns (Decorative arts) in art--Korea; Space (Art)
Publication Date
Document Type
Department, Program, or Center
School for American Crafts (CIAS)
Castle, Wendell
Advisor/Committee Member
Urso, Lenard
Advisor/Committee Member
Taylor, Michael
Recommended Citation
Pyun, Jong-Pil, "The Study of artificial space and metaphysical" (1998). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
RIT – Main Campus
Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: NB1270.G4 P98 1998