
The purpose of this study was to find out what the student customers of Campus Auxiliary Services have as their perceptions of the services provided by the corporation, and also if there is a communication gap between the corporation and their student customers. The question of whether there is a gap between what the customers expect and what they receive was also studied. The population studied consisted of student customers, Resident Advisors, and the Salaried CAS/Dining Service employees. A ten item perception questionnaire was given to CAS /Dining Service employees and also to the SUNY Geneseo Resident Advisors. A twenty two item perception questionnaire was distributed to eight hundred student customers of CAS, through the dining units at specified meal periods. The responses from the three groups surveyed were informative and covered a wide range of opinions. A SPSS, statistical package for the social sciences, was used for the analysis of the data provided by the student customers. It became apparent from the written questionnaire responses and from the student surveys that the student customers of CAS/ Dining Services have a negative perception of the corporation which is caused by a communication gap. The services provided by the corporation, and the purpose of the corporation are very unclear to the customers. The Resident Advisers, who are supported by CAS, and who function as a communication avenue between CAS and the student customers, are a key group of individuals who do not understand the corporation. Increasing communication between CAS and the Resident Advisers should become an immediate goal for CAS.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Universities and colleges--Food service--Management--Case studies; Customer services--Management--Case studies; Food service management--Case studies

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

School of Food, Hotel and Tourism Management (CAST)


Marecki, Richard


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: TX946.C76 1993


RIT – Main Campus
