The main objective in creating this body of work was to emphasize the importance of personal growth through investigation and subsequent discovery. People have forgotten the spirit of adventure and investigation that was prevalent in the past. They have lost the reverence for education as a personal activity. By using the book as a symbol of knowledge and tool for personal development, I hope to test the viewers' attitudes, and emphasize the importance of educational investigation. My goals in creating this work were multifaceted; partly societal and partly personal. Like many artists, I believe that the work I create serves some greater purpose and has meaning that is important for society in some way. A common purpose of art is to make people think, or more often to flunk differently than they currently do. Art students and museum-goers are accustomed to this activity, but the public at large do not take the time to try and grasp what the artist may be trying to convey. The work is quickly dismissed when a viewer cannot relate to an unusual object. I wanted people to investigate my work, and to reflect on issues I find important such as - knowledge, discovery, curiosity, intellectual reflection, and observation as well as self-improvement through these activities. In short, I would like to influence members of society through viewing my art and rewarding them with a discovery or different mindset than they had before viewing the work. Personal goals were also a major factor in producing the work as well. I wanted to develop technical skills that were new to me. I needed to experiment and explore new technologies. I also felt the need to express personal yearnings and desires for my idealized future. It was of paramount importance to produce work that fit into what I view as the role of art.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Illustration of books--Themes, motives; Book ornamentation; Book design
Publication Date
Document Type
Department, Program, or Center
School for American Crafts (CIAS)
Hightower, Linda
Advisor/Committee Member
Tannen, Rich
Advisor/Committee Member
Cass, Robin
Recommended Citation
Dahlberg, Eric, "The Book as social catalyst and self portrait" (2002). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
RIT – Main Campus
Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: NE890 .D345 2002