HF-DSR is an ad hoc routing protocol designed to operate efficiently over high frequency (HF) radio networks. Ad hoc routing protocols allow networks to provide dynamic routing between endpoints. In contrast, static routing schemes require networks to be configured with potential routes in advance. As such, ad hoc routing mechanisms can compensate for unanticipated factors such as radio frequency (RF) interference or node mobility. HF-DSR is largely based on Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), a level 3 ad hoc networking protocol that emits network control information on demand. HF-DSR incorporates portions of DSR which minimize the quantity of control information transmitted. In this manner, as much network bandwidth as possible is conserved for user-initiated data transfers. During this project, an implementation of HF-DSR was developed to operate over the NATO standard STANAG 5066 data transfer protocol. A four node network was assembled using Microsoft Windows PCs, HF modems, HF radios, synchronous RS-232 interfaces, and Harris RF-6750W Wireless Gateways. Two different network topologies were constructed using the four nodes. Finally, HF-DSR route discovery and file transfer were exercised on both network topologies.
Publication Date
Document Type
Master's Project
Student Type
Department, Program, or Center
Computer Science (GCCIS)
Kaminsky, Alan - Chair
Advisor/Committee Member
Bischof, Hans-Peter
Advisor/Committee Member
Radziszowski, Stanislaw
Recommended Citation
Stringer, Michael, "HF-DSR: dynamic source routing for high frequency radio networks" (2006). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
RIT – Main Campus
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