
Liangxiao Zhu


XML is widely used today. How to parse XML documents and manipulate XML data are very important tasks and popular topics in the software industry. There are several ways of handling XML data today. One of them is to turn an XML document into a tree structure of data. The most popular API of this model is W3C Document Object Model (DOM). But what DOM provides is a generic data model rather than a problem-specific model, which makes it complicated and inefficient. And in many cases, programmers don't use the generic data model. More often, they need an object model that is specific to a particular problem. This is where this project comes in. The purpose of this project is to develop an application that turns XML sources of a particular schema into a Problem-Specific Document Object Model (PSDOM). This application contains an XML styled, user-friendly Class Definition Language. It contains a CDF compiler that compiles Class Definition Files (CDF) into observers and element classes. It also has a binding framework that uses the "observer" idea from Dr. Schreiner's "oops" project to un-marshal XML documents into problem-specific object trees. Compare to the W3C DOM, this model is lightweight. It parses XML documents more efficiently. And this model makes it easier to create applications processing XML data. Compare to the Sun's JAXB, this model gives users more flexibility in controlling of the mapping. The mode is clearer and more understandable by separating the code of parsing XML documents from the code of building user applications.

Publication Date


Document Type

Master's Project

Student Type


Department, Program, or Center

Computer Science (GCCIS)


Schreiner, Axel

Advisor/Committee Member

Heliotis, James

Advisor/Committee Member

Carithers, Warren


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in February 2013.


RIT – Main Campus
