
Jason Duprat


There has been the need to assess the effectiveness of the Hotel Operations course at Rochester Institute of Technology. The purpose of this report is to analyze the perceptions of these students and determine the effectiveness of the case method of instruction in the Hotel Operations course. A survey tool was used to obtain student responses. The tool was distributed to twenty six students; there was a response rate of 46 percent yielding a sample size of twelve. The responses were analyzed using SPSS software. Also a list of seven universities was compiled in order to get an idea how many other universities are utilizing a similar teaching format. The universities were chosen at random, however all either work closely with the industry or have a captive hotel. Only five universities responded, the University of New Hampshire was the only one that collaborated with the industry while conducting case studies. It was found that there was strong support for these case studies teaching method. Students feel that it was a valid technique that increases their theory retention. The majority of students do not believe that cases conducted in the Industry are more valuable than those conducted in the classroom. A manager can develop the most effective case studies from real situations. They should also be conducted in small groups followed by short presentations and class discussions. Also the manager that had to deal with the case in real life should be available to inform the students of the decisions that were made by management and why. Case studies should also utilize class time in order to obtain maximum participation.

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Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in February 2014. Mentored by David Crumb and relates to the scholarship "Enterprise Learning" using the RIT Inn, Classroom Theory, and Case Study Analysis.


RIT – Main Campus
