The term color strength is defined as the hue, saturation, and brightness of an ink in the C.I.E. scheme of color specification. With this definition two color strength measuring methods are evaluated on a common basis. A colorimeter is used to read samples produced with varied ink-film thicknesses and varied ratios of white pigment to sample ink. Colorimetric properties are plotted on a U.C.S. diagram with coordinates modified to include the C.I.E. brightness factor W*. The ink-film thickness method is chosen as the preferred method for determining color strength.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Color printing
Publication Date
Document Type
Department, Program, or Center
School of Photographic Arts and Sciences (CIAS)
Daniels, Chester
Recommended Citation
Sullivan, Barry and Wilkalis, Donald, "Evaluation and Testing of Color Strength Measuring Methods in the Graphic Arts" (1975). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
RIT – Main Campus
Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in February 2014.
Physical copy available from RIT's Wallace Library at Z258 .S95