
Higher order cumulants and spectra have found a variety of uses in many areas of digital signal processing. The third order spectrum, or bispectrum, is of specific interest to researchers because of some of its properties. The Bispectrum is defined as the fourier transform of the third order cumulant se quence for stochastic processes, and as a triple product of fourier transforms for deterministic signals. In the past, bispectral analysis has been used in applications such as identification of linear filters, quadratic phase coupling problems and detection of deviations from normality. This work is aimed at developing techniques for reconstructing deterministic signals in noise us ing the bispectrum. The bispectrum is zero for many noise processes, and is insensitive to linear phase shifts. The main motivation of this work is to exploit these properties of bispectrum that are potentially useful in signal re covery. The existing bispectral recovery techniques are discussed in the signal reconstruction frame work and their main limitation in handling noisy de terministic signals is brought out. New robust reconstruction procedures are provided in order to use bispectrum in such cases. The developed algorithms are tested over a range of simulated applications to bring out their robustness in handling both deterministic and stochastic signals. The new techniques are compared with existing bispectral methods in various problems. This thesis also discusses some of the tradeoffs involved in using bispectrum based reconstruction approaches against non-bispectral methods.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Signal processing--Digital techniques; Spectral theory (Mathematics)

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

Electrical Engineering (KGCOE)


Raghuveer, M.


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: TK5102.5.S885 1990


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