The Xerox Network System is composed of heterogeneous processors connected across a variety of transmission media A series of protocols is defined to describe the communication mechanisms between system elements. One of these protocols, the Filing Protocol, defines a general purpose file management system. Current implementations of the protocol, although derived from the Xerox specification, fall short of providing the interconnectivity between elements desired in a heterogeneous network system. The definition of an easily implemented protocol subset that provides the common file system functions of retrieval, storage, enumeration/location and deletion is derived from experiences with several implementations. This definition and an accompanying implementation document provide a mechanism to guide future implementations toward increased interconnectivity.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Computer network protocols; File organization (Computer science); Electronic data processing--Distributed processing
Publication Date
Document Type
Department, Program, or Center
Computer Science (GCCIS)
Miller, Leslie Jill
Advisor/Committee Member
Ellis, John
Advisor/Committee Member
Heliotis, James
Recommended Citation
Flint, Edward, "A Study of the Xerox XNS Filing Protocol as Implemented on Several Heterogenous Systems" (1986). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
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