
This curriculum is designed for teaching a full school year of ASL Level II as a foreign language course at the high school level. The unit plans in this curriculum have been derived from the New York State's checkpoints or guidelines for teaching ASL as a foreign language. Each unit plan contains objectives for both the students' receptive and expressive skills, knowledge of Deaf culture/history, various options or suggestions for assessment, evaluation, resources and materials. Also included are New York State's communication sub-topics and functions as outlined in New York State's checkpoints for teaching ASL. ASL teachers may use this curriculum as a guideline or checklist in order to ensure that they have covered New York State's checkpoints while creating lesson plans. Additionally, ASL teachers have the option of following this curriculum in its sequential order or modifying it to meet the needs of their students however, because ASL is a visual language, it is strongly recommended that ASL teachers using this curriculum teach students ASL without the use of voice. A list of teaching materials are suggested in this curriculum however, ASL teachers are expected to find additional teaching resources such as books, videotapes or websites that fit each unit and assign homework accordingly.

Publication Date


Document Type

Master's Project

Student Type



Bateman, Gerald


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in December 2013.


RIT – Main Campus
