
Shruti Sharma


Healthcare information (Clinical Data) is associated with every individual, young or old, rich or poor, belonging to any country. Clinical data is very extensive. Everyday some new diseases and new symptoms are being seen and the human race is struggling to find cures. There are many diseases whose diagnosis, symptoms, and possible treatment are known but unfortunately that rare knowledge is not available to every individual in the world. This initiates all the vision behind presenting a paper on EMR/ EHR and its Data Management. The thesis reviews the concept of EMR/ EHR thus explaining its concepts, importance, market need etc. Thesis will also explain privacy and security related to clinical data in electronic format which is a very important as any electronic data is prone to hacks and data loss. To manage and utilize such amount of data, there is need of extensive data management and so the thesis explains the concepts of Datawarehouse, its importance, ETL, Schemas etc. As part of explaining these concepts a mini EMR/EHR Datawarehouse is designed which explains various subject areas possible in any EMR Datawarehouse. Last but not the least, the thesis comments on the Future of EMR/ EHR and the World Vision on this revolutionary change.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Medical records--Data processing; Medical informatics; Data mining; Data protection

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences (COS)


Skuse, Gary


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: R846 .S42 2011


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