
Integrating Writing into the Visual Thinking Architectural Art Curriculum for the deaf and Hard of hearing Students (IWAC) is a practice designed to integrate writing throughout the curriculum with a focus on writing to learn in architectural art. With the problems was the limited vocabulary of the deaf and hard of hearing students who are learning the written English as second language. Information is organized into one unit; students will focus on an exploration of history of Frank Lloyd Wright, architectural art, and writing. A student is able to learn form the art/media/movie project process that is related any subject and cope with life. Coping with writings develop students' attitudes to learning, emotion, and behavior. This art curriculum contains background information and lesson plan for a middle school class, explores writing concepts through art, deaf studies, history and architecture. Deaf and hard of hearing students usually have intellectual abilities of a visual spatial nature that are hardly allowed for, or trained, to the emphasis on language approaches to education. The field of education research acknowledges of various methods and perspectives. It recommends helpful path on future directions for arts education research and presents important self-awareness and writing into curriculum designs and instructional practices that will improve the worth and impact of student English learning in the visual arts.

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

Master of Science of Secondary Education of Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (NTID)


Shannon, Nora - Chair

Advisor/Committee Member

Bateman, Gerald


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in December 2013.


RIT – Main Campus
