
Joanna Brown


This curriculum contains unit plans for teaching one semester of ASL as a foreign language. The unit plans have been designed for teaching middle school aged students and are based on the New York State guidelines for teaching ASL as a foreign language. Each unit plan includes objectives/goals, procedures, activity options, extensions, assessment and evaluation suggestions, and references, resources, and materials. In addition, the unit plans include ways to integrate technology and Deaf community resources into the lessons and the learning. The following unit plans have been designed for use as a guideline for teachers of ASL. They can be altered and adapted, as needed, to fit the target age group or the class composition. By increasing or reducing the complexity of the lessons or activities, these unit plans can be used to teach elementary through college-age students. This curriculum has been designed to teach ASL from a Deaf culture perspective. Therefore, the units are designed to be taught using ASLwithout spoken English support. As one becomes familiar with the units, it will become clear that when teaching certain ideas/concepts the use of spoken Englishalone may be useful (this will depend on the ASL skillsof the students and the complexityof the topic). A resources,references,and materialslist can be found in each unit. This list can be used as a guideto finding materials,books, videotapes,andweb sitesthat will be usefulwhile teaching the units. This curriculum is designed to be used in the sequential order of the units; however, it is suggestedthat teachers use this curriculumas a guidelineand adjust it to fit their specificneeds. The procedures and activityoptions provided in the units are simply suggestions, whereas the objectives/goals have been derived from the New YOIKState guidelines for teaching ASL. For example, the curriculum does not include homework assignments. This is because it is difficult to predict what will be covered on a daily basis; hence, teachers should determinehomework based on what was covered in classand on the needs of the students. This curriculumincorporatesvocabulaty and grammar skillsas well as Deaf culture, Deaf history, and ASL literature. An additional section of the units is called Extensions. The Extensions section includes suggestionsfor applyingconcepts and using information in either a hands-on or in a student-centered way. The units will include lessons and! or activitiesthat incorporate the items listed above.

Publication Date


Document Type

Master's Project

Student Type


Department, Program, or Center

Master of Science of Secondary Education of Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (NTID)


DeCaro, Patricia

Advisor/Committee Member

Johnston, Lisa


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in December 2013.


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