Being a teacher requires the dual skills ofboth knowing a content area and knowing effective methods for teaching that content. Teachers ofdeafstudents, however, frequently have more training related to deafness rather than their content area. At issue is access to resources which could remedy this problem. This paper outlines the development of an online workshop which will serve as a pilot project to explore ways to get pedagogical and content knowledge from skilled professionals to both teachers in the field and students in teacher preparation programs. The mathematical preparation of teachers of the deaf was reviewed and a workshop topic selected before designing a script and visual aids for the workshop itself. After the workshop was recorded, materials were compiled into a multimedia program, andfeedback was solicitedfrom three audience types. The feedback indicates that there is indeed an audience for this type oflearning experience, although some modifications might be made.
Publication Date
Document Type
Master's Project
Student Type
Department, Program, or Center
Master of Science of Secondary Education of Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (NTID)
Lang, Harry - Chair
Advisor/Committee Member
Bateman, Gerald
Recommended Citation
Lewis, Rachel, "Discovery learning in mathematics education: Using multimedia technology to reach teachers" (2006). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
RIT – Main Campus
Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in December 2013.