
The purpose of this thesis project was to test and to demonstrate the World Wide Web as a publishing vehicle by creating a Web presence for the School of Printing Management and Sciences. In order to reach this goal, a full understanding of the Hypertext Markup Language must first be realized. Once this is accomplished, issues regarding integration of mixed-media elements within an HTML document were investigated. Once a prototype of the HTML document was accomplished, the mixed-media elements were tested and evaluated for proper integration and contextual cohesiveness. Many issues regarding implementation of mixed-media elements, such as file size and file format were addressed upon testing. One of the additional goals of this project is a comprehensive description of the methodology for creating and maintaining a World Wide Web publishing presence. This addresses: navigational software, structuring HTML documents, hyper text linking, HTML style issues and limitations, effective integration of mixedmedia elements, inline and external image issues, testing documents, advertising documents, strategies for determining proper file sizes and formats of mixedmedia elements, integrating supplemental programs, World Wide Web Server issues, installing HTML and mixed-media files onto a World Wide Web Server, etc. The Web site located at (http://www.rit.edu/~spms) served as the vehicle for the investigation. Results of the study revealed the issues of providing data that services users across a wide range of computer systems, with different bandwidth restrictions, utilizing a myriad of computer software. Specific standards apply to An Investigation into World Wide Web Publishing with the Hypertext Markup Language alleviate much of the guesswork, however, publishing on the Internet remains to be as challenging as it is rewarding. The Web's format and the opportunity to reach millions of potential customers is creating new types of publishing ventures in true "gold-rush" fashion. The Web is being touted as the fourth medium, and some suggest it will have as great an impact on society as print, radio and television. The growth of the Web is explosive and will assuredly continue to blossom. Upon completion of this study, the author remains skeptical whether the World Wide Web is the medium of the future. It has, however, created a trend which will forever reshape the publishing world and the way information seekers receive their data. Publishing will change from a commodity based market where prices are based upon cost, and shift to a service market where prices are based upon the value of the information. Each reader requiring selected information tailored to their specific choice will pay for what they select no more paying for an entire magazine or newspaper and reading only one article. The future of information dissemination is electronic, interactive and selective. Whether the delivery mechanism will be the World Wide Web remains to be seen.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

HTML (Document markup language); World Wide Web; Electronic publishing

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

School of Print Media (CIAS)


Romano, Frank


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: QA76.76.H94C643 1995


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