The aim of this project is to investigate each [digitally printed file] compression setting in Acrobat 4.0 Distiller by using and comparing the effects of each on a digitally printed file. The goal is to define the visual results these compressions will yield according to the components of a given file.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Adobe Acrobat; Digital printing; Data compression (Computer science); Image processing--Digital techniques
Publication Date
Document Type
Department, Program, or Center
School of Print Media (CIAS)
Freckleton, Marie
Recommended Citation
Thornton, Kelly, "Adobe Acrobat image compression: An Investigation into the effects of compression in Acrobat 4.0 on image reproducibility for digital printing" (2000). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
RIT – Main Campus
Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: Z249.3 .T56 2000